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well im only level 7 so i guess its not too late to restart, i just dont really wanna do all the quests again.

Ill think about it i guess


its too bad u cant change once u started


Don't get wrong warriors are great believe me im not going to abandon my level 32 anytime soon. But it definetly is alot of personal preference. I love making alts because its awesome to see how different races and classes play. BTW have you picked professions yet?

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Strengths for every class change a lot as you progress further and further in WoW. Warriors may seem lacking for a long while, but once you get pretty high, the damage output and available Talent skills gets much better.


Plenty of people say Warriors suck at PvP, the truth is Warriors who suck are the ones who suck at PvP. A well played Warrior is still a formidable opponent. A well played anything can be a strong class in WoW, if you plain suck at PvP then of course the class you play may seem like it sucks.


Also if you quit WoW and the furthest you got was like lvl 30, you've barely seen much of the world let alone discovered the greatest strengths and cool tricks of each class. I just hit level 50 a few days ago, and theres still a number of zones I've never seen and even if I have, the creatures and such in those areas would destroy me easily.


Also at such low levels, you haven't seen the more difficult of dungeons. For Alliance anyway, if you only go to say lvl 25, you've only got access to like 2 instances (dungeons). Which IMO are the easiest and simplest ones around, and for good reason since they are more about getting your feet wet rather than challenge. Some of the higher level ones require more strategy and just shear force won't get you far.


Now back to the OP, I agree with the others who have said choose the lowest population. But if you already have friends who are established on a particular server go ahead and join them.


Also you may want to look into Customized User Interfaces. Blizzard made the UI use XML, so there's a lot of mods out there that add extra toolbars, timers, modified quest logs, all kinds of stuff. I highly recommend CTMod, I use it myself as well and a bunch of other standalone add-ins. A nice UI will do wonders for your gameplay.

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Speaking as a high level (human) warrior, I can say (and Blizzard has admitted) that warriors are a bit "gimp" right now. Or as Blizzard would say, Warriors need some "love".


While they do have deal some nice damage at my level, a rogue, pally, or shaman is almost guaranteed to kill you in 1-on-1. That is, unless you are up against someone who sucks. ;)


Most people will choose a pally over a warrior for any instance simply for the added healing ability. The only way a warrior is going to heal solo during combat is with a POT, and you'll only get one of those per fight... if you take on multiple targets, you're most likely in trouble, unless you use a "fear-heal" combo before right before you kill your first target.


Though blizzard has promised us some nice improvements in the future.


BTW, Pummel is one of the best abilities you can get. ;)

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well i abandoned her, and made a paladin. I was so tempted to make him the paladin from Warcraft 3 (you know the dwarf that goes to you to get frostmourne, but rather i just made him a human.


I got up to level 5 last night in like 3 hours of play, but i lost most of the money i had made on my other guy


and as for proffession, i partied with a guy and he told i should be a miner and tailor or something like that.

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If anyone wants to buy my WoW game off me, pm me. It still has the 10 day trial pass available. I prepaid for 4 months, I think about 1 month is gone... I dont know, I played it a week and got bored...

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k i need some help. It might be just me but i feel like im really weak. Like it takes forever to kill anything thats the same level as me. not to mention i see level 10, 11 walking around all armoured up and stuff

I also have no idea how to use my proffession to make money. i went to the blacksmith and told him to train me. Thats my only proffesion as of now.


Im also unsure if all the new players start in the same realm, but im in the one with stormwind city and goldshire.

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Not sure if anyone's told you this or not, but check out cosmosui.org! It's a UI mod and it's awesome. Just download it, and extract it to your WoW directory.


As far as the realms. Northshire is where humans start, then they move to Goldshire, then Stormwind. This is the same for every realm (server).


As far as professions, you need to get trained in mining if you want to be a smith. Each profession has a supporting profession, and yours is mining. Then buy a mining pick (the guy on the fence in Goldshire should have one). When you train mining, you'll get an ability to sense minerals. Turn it on all the time. It'll put mineral veins on your maps when you get close, so you can use them to get copper and such.


Professions won't make you much cash at first though, so don't worry about them too much. Just keep levelling and selling what you loot, that's where I got ALL of my money for a long time.


If you're having trouble killing stuff your level, make sure you've trained all your skills at your trainer (ask any guard, they will point you to one), and try to figure out the best way to use them all.


Hope this helps....

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well my buddy quit eq2 and got wow. So I bought it too and gave up eq. I could never find a dang group in that game. in wow i can play without one which is nice. . I did play it in beta and it is fun. so far i'm up to level 11 hunter. I need to find a cool pet. I have a gator right now.



general as a hunter i own things up to two levels above me at level 11. especially with my pet. as long as it is one at a time. if i get two on me i'm dead haha. i did get wacked by a level 15 dinosour thing though it ate me for dinner.

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well im all good at single things ,but usually i get smoked by the advanced level thugs.


like today


me and a buncha guys former a party and went after that chick that lives in jerods landing. She was level 10. I was level 6 and the 2 other guys were level 7.


well after about 15 min they got iced (my team) but they took out the stupid thugs protecting the chick. then after non stop Judgements and Seals of Rightousness I was finnaly able to cap her. Of course by that time the other guy came back to life and we had to roll for the sword she gives out. I lost. As usual. I freaking always loose on those dang rolls.

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