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i waz wonderin' bout peltier cooling


right now i want to pop in a 226w peltier in conjunction wit a maze3-1 waterblock

for video card i'm goin wit the switftech MCW50-T (comes wit 80w peltier)


i saw from this one site that a radeon 9700pro produces bout like 45C idle temp and bout 50C load wit stock cooling


ok now bout da cpu block. how low of a temp u think i can get from usin' a 226w peltier water cooled? u think gon go below freezin' 0C or wat.

alsoif temps go low like that how would i take care of the condensation problems that will occur wit the cpu and video card?


any input would b greatly appreaciated and happy holidays n god bless

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You may get negative temps with that setup, but 226W is really extreme. I don't really remember exactly what to do, but it involves adding neoprene (SCUBA diving suit material I think) on the back of you motherboard and in and around your socket, along with dielectric grease (Once again, I think). I think Psywar uses a pelt so you may want to ask him I don't really remember exactly how to set up your system for a pelt.

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would i have to worry about condensation with an air cooled pelt?

If you get a more powerful pelt, yes.


When your hot cpu comes in contact with an extreamly cold pelt, you are going to have condensation. Doesn't matter if it is air cooled or water cooled.

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