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Sw: Republic Commando Demo


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I played the Xbox demo that came on last months Xbox Magaznie disc. It was cool. The PC version is just as cool, but looks MUCH better. It's also a different level than the Xbox demo.

I ran FRAPS and got an average of 47FPS, min 23, max 62, at 1600x1200, forced 6xT2 AA, Forced 16xAF, everything on high quality. This is on my X800 XT@532/590.


So...........go out a download it, it's great.



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It's fun but seems to suffer from some "console-itis".


I'm tired of cramped levels and those lame save points where it pulls you out of the game to save and load the next "chapter" so to speak. I guess I'm spoiled by playing games lately with a more dynamic world that loads around you as you go along without so many loading screens.


I just hate moving along with my mind totally into the game concentrating then passing some checkpoint where it totally rips you out of your rythym and you get a black screen that says "Saving". I just wish they could quick-save the checkpoint then you keep on trucking with little to no interruption.


Besides my few pet peeves, I liked how they implemented the squad commands. Easy and fast to use. Had a few other pet peeves with the squads AI and a few elements of the HUD.


The Commando weapon didn't feel versatile enough, especially since it was supposed to be designed that way. I liked the sniper attachment and the 2 levels of magnification, but the default rifle attachments seems to be lacking punch. No stopping power and seems not so effective and medium to long range. I found it easier sometimes to just rush the target and melee him to kill him, faster than ducking and dodging to kill him with the rifle. Ended up picking up the shotgun constantly and used the dropped weapons more than my standard issure one.


I think I'm just being picky though. I'm expecting too much polish and refinement from a demo.

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It's fun but seems to suffer from some "console-itis".


I'm tired of cramped levels and those lame save points where it pulls you out of the game to save and load the next "chapter" so to speak. I guess I'm spoiled by playing games lately with a more dynamic world that loads around you as you go along without so many loading screens.


I just hate moving along with my mind totally into the game concentrating then passing some checkpoint where it totally rips you out of your rythym and you get a black screen that says "Saving". I just wish they could quick-save the checkpoint then you keep on trucking with little to no interruption.


Besides my few pet peeves, I liked how they implemented the squad commands. Easy and fast to use. Had a few other pet peeves with the squads AI and a few elements of the HUD.


The Commando weapon didn't feel versatile enough, especially since it was supposed to be designed that way. I liked the sniper attachment and the 2 levels of magnification, but the default rifle attachments seems to be lacking punch. No stopping power and seems not so effective and medium to long range. I found it easier sometimes to just rush the target and melee him to kill him, faster than ducking and dodging to kill him with the rifle. Ended up picking up the shotgun constantly and used the dropped weapons more than my standard issure one.


I think I'm just being picky though. I'm expecting too much polish and refinement from a demo.



i guess you dont play much hl2 then

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That's sort of my point, HL2 was built completely with the PC platform in mind. Republic Commando however is also being made for XBox. Kind of like the whole Tribes series, built for PC and doesn't have the pet peeves that kinda irk me.


Doom 3 however was cramped in hallways most of the time but sort of had to to stick with the storyline they wanted to use. A few levels were open spaces though. However they always did have XBox development in the back of their head so that may have had something to do with it.


Don't get me wrong I'm not a console hater, I have both a Gamecube and an XBox. Love my NFL 2K5, still need to get Fable though.

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A good game is a good game. H2 rocked. I thought it was much better than Doom3- which I liked. I loved HL2 but got bored with the tedious waterbuggy/sandbuggy levels.

I think the SW:RC demo is a blast. It's just.......fun. Linear level design or no. It's just got that fun factor that makes it a blast to play.


Only H2 was able to load levels in such a way that it didn't take me out of the game. HL2 tried to do the same, but took FAR too long.


I agree that the PC version(the Xbox has a HDD so why not it too?) needs a save anywhere system, but it's hardly a gripe. Shoot, Far Cry doesn't have one and everyone loves it.


How can you complain about the demos weak weapons and then praise Tribes? I assume you didn't play Tribes: Vengence. Now THOSE weapons are pathetic.


I don't want dynamic worlds. Or realistic physics. I don't care about mip/bump mapping and bloom effects. PS2.0b or 6xAA and 16xAF. I want FUN! Though if you can give me all that and fun too, I'll worship you.




Demon Stone rocks.

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Fun factor does indeed make up for other areas of the game. Hopefully all of Republic Commando can be like that. If it's fun I can ignore the weak rifle and just use other weapons. Just seems kind of odd when we are supposed to be elite commandos but then the rifle they give us is kind of weak. Kind of how the first Halo was, I constantly dropped the standard issue rifle and picked up other weapons.


About the Tribes comparison, it was for the open terrain and freedom to move around that I was trying to point out. The 3rd Tribes was a bit of a disspointment. Tribes 1 and 2 were definitely better IMO.


As for FarCry, I can't stand that game for some reason. A bore fest to me. It looks nice and purty, but thats it for me.


Now if Republic Commando has a great story and/or great multiplayer, then I'll still play it a lot. Like I do with Halo 2, i was hugely disspointed with the campagin, even after Bungie said they fixed the whole "repeatitive level" thing, they really didn't. It had greater variety in some respects but still got that feeling of "didn't I just go through a room that looks exactly the same?" If multiplayer is fun I'll still play it tons. Tribes 2 had no story, but was just fun. UT has no story (that I know of lol) and Onslaught is a blast. I definitely agree that fun factor is most important. It is a game afterall.


I think I'm just burnt out on shooters in general so I get all uptight about them lol.



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You and I are different types of gamers. I don't really care for multiplayer. I play SW: Battlefront, and I'm fairly good. But I just don't get into it much. I prefer single player games. Shooters are my favorites.


To each his own I guess.








but you're wrong if you disagree with me. :) j/king

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