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aight we have this board.. ABIT IT-7MAx Board.. running an 1800XP we go to OC it.. it OC's just fine.. and im talking about any freq.. like 138FSB and when u restart it wont post!

and u have to clear cmos to get it to post...


anyone know why?

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cooling problem

perhaps the board dont Overclock

u check current cpu temp?


most common problem for overclockin' problem is RAM


i have a 800 tbird downstairs

and i can OC up to a certain point like 824mhz or somethn'

if i try settin' the FSB to 133mzh it wont post

its because of the ram i know that

its bad. i got sold a defective ram.


so try changin' ur ram and check timings.


hope that helps

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the situation described above by the esteemed psywar is actually my situation, i thought i'd add a little more information to see if it helps, first my setup:


abit at7-max mobo, 512mb corsair 2700 ddr ram (2x256 sticks), athlon xp 1800 palamino core. thermaltake slk-800 w/ vantec tornado and arctic silver 3 for cooling.


i'm pretty sure that cooling is not the issue here, i have been running at stock frequency since i put the new heatsink on and i have yet to see it go over 50c in any situation, it's usually around 38-40.


as for the ram, it is corsair which is arguably some of the most reliable stuff on the market, and i'm not even going with really agressive timings on that either (cas 2.5, 3-5-2, 1T).


like psywar said above i change the cpu settings in the bios and boot into windows fine, but as soon as i shut down i have to clear the cmos to get it to post again. and i've tried all sorts of combinations too, fsb's from 138 (a measly 5mhz oc) up to 166 (an even 33mhz oc), with various vcore settings and with and without ram tweaking. everything i do produces the above results.


any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...

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