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Please Help-newbie Here...no Power?


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Well, after about 3 hours I had installed new motherboard, new volcano 7+heat sink and fan, connected all the wires from power supply to the motherboard using both the Antec case manual and the Asus motherboard manual. I went slow, reread every step twice and finally had all wires hooked up. Only change I made was the volcano 7+ had a 3way manual switch for low, med, and high fan speed. I unplugged this and just plug the 3pin connectors from cpu fan to two fan connectors on the motherboard.


I am trying to get this together and working for xmas. This is the first time I have built a PC...all parts are new. Anyway I checked the 115v/220v switch on power supply and it is in the 115v position.



anyway I plugged it in and turned on the switch on the power supply and all I get is the little green light on motherboard, no power supply fan, no rear case fan, and there is one other fan on the side panel which is not connected because I have the side panel off so I can view and see if the other fans power up. I only let power on for no more than 3 seconds so that I don't fry my cpu.

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If you want to start your PC, you need to connect Power Switch cable to your motherboard (it is ATX, i hope) and press power button. In some motherboards, power-on pins named stand-by switch, check it.


So. You need to take Power-on/Power switch/Stand-by switch wire that going from the case rear (power-on button), and connect it to stand-by/power-on pins on motherboard (somewhere near PC Speaker, Reset, IDE Led pins).


I think that green led is something like RAM Led or smth like that, nomatter. Check your motherboards manual. There need to be information about that green led, power-on pins and a lot of other useful information ;) . I hope ASUS make same good manuals as Gigabyte. :P

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ya, tim has it right, i had a asus board, and the same thing you have to have the cables from the front of the case (the power button etc) put on the mother board in the right order or it will not work. check your cableing from the power button to the motherboard, asus is atx and must have this to work, just pluging in your power supply will not work, also if your power supply has a power switch on it (near the plug in, next to the 115v switch) make sure it is on too, if it doesn't have this switch then don't worry about it. Both with both types of power supplies make sure that the power button cable is on right on the mother board.

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thanks...for the advice..I did have a little trouble reading and matching the leads coming from the front case LEDS,power switch, to the control jumper on the asus board...the leads are labled but they do not match all of the different labels on the board itself...so I must have one or more of the leads plugged in wrong on the motherboard..I will check it again this morning.



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william488 and tim...thank you...I rechecked wires and had to skip one of pins and now have power to powers supply, case fan, and volcano fan.


the volcano fan has a three way switch for low,med, and high, if I use the switch in-line hooked up it runs the fan at what sounds like low, or med...moving switch to either high, med, or low makes no difference in cpu fan speed. if I take the switch out of line...(using no switch) the cpu fan runs only at what sounds like high speed. for right now I am not too concerned I will do some research and see if I can find out the correct wiring for the volcano 7+cpu fan with a asus a7n8xa mobo.


thanks again...at least now I can start loading hard drive, etc. :lol:

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