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My First Overclock!


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Well guys, after downloading SiSoftware Benchmark and finding the Athlon XP 1700 pretty much a tad too slow for my taste, got into the BIOs and clocked it up from 1.47GHz to 1.57GHz...Quick question, do you guys thinnk I can break the 1.6GHz barrier without too much extra heat? Any suggestions appreciated.


One strange thing though...Is the BIOS is still reading it as an Athlon XP 1700 even thought the clock speed is obviously past the Athlon XP 1800? Just wondering cause mine still reads XP 1700....Thanks again guys and I'm enjoying the little extra speed!


Here's the screenshot:



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Well, some bad news...XP liked the extra my stable 1.57GHz @143MHz, but not when I moved it up to 145MHz.......Norton crashed and then the whole system froze. I need to read up more on vCore settings and how to get that to maybe coincide with the 145MHz+ settings with the extra cooling??? I'll search the forum more, I saw an interesting read on general overclocking. But 1.57GHz is where it is staying for now whether I like it or not!

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