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10% Discounts For Occ Members


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OCC has gotten together with SharkaCorp and they are giving all of the OCC members & non-members (you are registered with OCC aren't you?) a 10% discount on all of the products at the SharkaCorp website. It isn't a huge discount but it will help a lot if you're buying one of those expensive water coolers. Just remember to use this coupon code: occ0212


This is only for the first 100 customers and this discount will expire on 1/32/2003. If you are too late and you aren't one of the first 100 customers to use this coupon you can still get a 5% discount using this code: occ5 and it expires on 2/31/2003SharkaCorp also has a brand new shopping cart, which is a big improvement over their old one.


Link: SharkaCorp

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hmm... I still need plenty of ideas for gifts since all I really want for x-mas is like a DVD burner and maybe a palm pilot.... Im look for alternatives for those but nothing really interests me...

Im thinkin maybe a SCSI controller for my 10k rpm drives...

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hey LinuxProx 10% is ok, but can you make it like 40% it sound's like a joke but as i see you can change it like the 5% if not whats the max % off you can get us ?

you guys with me ? ;)

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