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Help - Cpu Heat Problems


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I thought i would build my family a computer for christmas.

I've built abou 10 or so to date but i cant figure out this problem.

I took my processor out (AMD Duron 1.2Ghz) to test it in the mobo that i had just laying around (Both mobos in my comp and in the extra motherboard are Slot A (the kind were you line the pins up and push the lever down). I booted up with the exra mobo i had laying around and within 5 seconds my CPU got so hot that it started to smell like it was burning so i shut the comp down right away. I took the CPU out (which cooled down in a matter of seconds) an put it back in my computer but as soon as i tuned on my computer it did the exact same thing as when i started up with the mobo i had laying around. It booted and then a couple seconds past and it got REAL hot, so hot in fact that my emergency temp bios feature kicked on and shut my computer off. Note that this just happend when i put the Duron back into my computer. I had it out maybe for 5 minutes to test it. Do you think the extra mobo i had laying around damaged it somehow? I press the power button and no kidding 2 seconds later the CPU is on fire and my comp auto shutsdown because of the temp.

Any help would be appreciated. thanks

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Well I would assume that since you have "built" 10 computers that you would have put that heatsink on. No where though in your description did state that there was a heatsink used. I am curious if the thought even crossed your mind.

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not always, I had that happen one time even when I had a hsf on and I freaked out but I left it off for a few minutes and it booted find.


well, our friendly neophyte this is what you need to do.


On cpu's we need to use whats called a heat sink, waht it does is sucks the heat off the cpu and and puts it on the metal of the heatsink, then theres a fan on top of it blowing air over the fins of the heatsink to cool it down. This is what we call an hsf or heat sink (and) fan.


heres a few examples of what you'd need:

lots of hsf's!


Id recommend the volcano 9 or volcano 7+. Until you have an hsf dont turn on your computer.


hope this helps :)

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(Both mobos in my comp and in the extra motherboard are Slot A (the kind were you line the pins up and push the lever down).

well, one thing that is a socket a board, a slot A board is the kind that is standing up and fits into a slot (kinda like memory but on a bigger scale) and yea, the hsf did you have one? and can your mobo take that chip, not all mobo's can take all chips. i have a slot a that can not go above 1.oghz, and i also have a socket a that will not take anything higher then a 1.2ghz, and now i have one that will take upto a 2.0ghz. check your mobo specks you could just have fried the chip for putting it into a board that cannot take it.

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Next time I'll keep the processor in my possession instead of tossing it in the trash--maybe was still ok despite the intense chard-burnt odor eminating from it :lol:.... Oh well, I agree with Ronin on the Volcano7+ and 9--I only use the 7+ and nooooooo complaints...

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lol c'mon guy give me some credit here. I meant socket a - i was just thinkin about somethin else for some reason.

Anyways - Yes i know about heatsinks lol.

This is the problem..

As soon as i boot the computer the CPU smells like its burning and for sure cannot be touched. I am talking not even 2 seconds of booting the computer, the processor gets RED hot - Of course i use a hsf but this still shouldnt happen. Then when i shut off the computer, the CPU cools within a couple seconds, its the weirdest thing ive ever had to deal with. I think i fried the son of a ###### but i plan to do some more testing.

By the way - I took this processor out of the mobo that im trying to put it back into so i know its compatible because its worked with that mobo for over a year.

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