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Oc Via Fsb


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I'm having some problems upping my FSB and keep my computer stable. yesterday i cooled my room down while i was at work and upped it to 140mhz no problem (didn't try any higher). my cpu temp was about 35 and system was about 27 (my room was about 65).


since i can't keep my room that cool all the time, what inside my case need to be cooler? my chipset?, cpu?, both?

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The high FSB will get both running hotter But you chipset over heating is what would cause most likely causing your unstability. I would suggest try running with side of case off or get a fan to blow directly onto your chipset cooler (side case fan). Getting a good chipset fan will make a big difference if you trying to push as high as you can.Or even just installing a good thermal compound,on your motherboard chipset.

But, Your temps arent bad what kind of ram do you have what is the CAS set at.What kind of motherboard and chip set you got.what does the temps range when your room is at normal temps.Do you have coolers on the ram.finally what is your ddr volts and processor volts.

Right off i would suggest setting your CAS to 2.5 see how stable it is.IF you havent tried that already.Turn up your Cpu volts and DDR volts.Watch your temps only OC within your CPU coolers capability.Really you shouldnt have any heat issues at your listed temps unless when you room is normal temps it goes up alot.Im thinking its more of a RAM timing thing Also look on fourms to see what other people who have the AMD 2100 are overclocking to There is a limit and if your processor is locked you will have a max FSB you can run unless you unlock the Processor.


Hope i can help you out,


Stay Cool, Its the only way to OC :)



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thanks...i still have some more testing to do, but i was able to get it up to 141mhz with the vcore at 1.825. i attached a piece of cardboard to my rear fans (which blow in ) so that more air is directed on the the m/b.


the ram is samsung pc2700 with a Tt active cooling system/kit/thing and at the stock 2. CAS. its a kt333 chipset.


after the holidays i think i'm gonna spend some money on a new case w/water cooling :) or maybe just get a swiftech heatsink with other additional air cooling supplies, i'll have to see. i'm definally plannning on unlocking the cpu though.

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I recommend setting Cas Latency to 2.5,Maxing out your DDR volts and very important set your "CPU Fast Command" in your bios to the normal setting not the fast or ultra or what ever faster setting your bios lists.Your 1.825v volts to the core should be plenty Set your DDR to 2.85v.

When you start uping the FSB alot you need to chose different pci / agp / fsb dividers.But i think once you change your Dram Cas Latency to 2.5 and up your volts and select normal cpu fast command. You should be able to run your FSB to atleast what you ram is sold as 333mhz or 166 in your bios that is if your processor will OC that far Iv never owned a 2100 so i dont know how far it will go. IF you unlock it and can change your multipier you will have no problem pushing ram to it fastest point.I run a stick of pc3000 in my server cpu and it is rated at 366mhz max, and i pull 380mhz out of it (190x6) if i didnt unlock and was stuck with stock multiplier Say it was 10x100 equals 1 gig iv never overclocked the processor over 1240 mhz so with stock multiplyer of 10 the max fsb i could of used would be 124 because (124x10) is 1240mhz. so If you were to run the xp2100 @ your ram pc2700 without unlocking it you would be at 2.15 gig and I dont think it is possiable but but i am guessing here but i would say 1900mhz to possiably 2gig. So with a Multiplier of 13 2000mhz Divided by stock multiplyer of 13 equals 153 or 306ddr FSB (153x13)=1989mhz or 1900mhz divided by 13 equals 146 fsb or 292ddr FSB (146x13)=1898mhz.

So i would make changes i described above and starting at the 141 your at move up by 2 at a time since your already getting close.I would love to hear what you get the XP2100 up to. but at any rate the CAS 2.5 would stabilze you where your at.


hope this helps you out man.


Stay cool, Its the only way to OC :)



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a little update:


i moved my desk across my room, so my computer sits infront of my window (which i have cracked). i highest i can get my FSB up to is 145. any higher and windows reboots right after it loads my desktop. so right now the bios reports it at 1900ghz even, my core voltage is 1.85 and it runs about 35c load :)

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