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I just piked up some Arctic Silver 3 and i would like to apply it to my currently installed heatsink. I have a Chenmig case so the MOBO tray is not removeable and I would prefer not to remove the MOBO from the case if I can avoid it. I need to get a detailed description of how to remove the heat sink, apply the thermal compound with out destroying the CPU and then reinstall the heatsink, again with out destroying the CPU.


The heatsink is a Volcano 8( yea I know, I have been told i should get the 9)

the CPU is an AMD 1800+Mp


I know it is difficult to install heatsinks and that you have to press hard, but how much force are we talking about here exactly.



pardon my ignorance



strong on knowledge short on experience.

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mp, wow, swaggy.


Anyway, just take your standard flathead skrewdriver and put it into the little clip thing ont eh side. There should be a notch you can put the skrew driver in. Press down until the clip is below the prongs that its stuck on. Then apply pressure to the right until its off the prongs. Dont worry about too much pressure because theres little pads on your cpu to keep you from CRUSHING IT. bwhahahaha.


dont use a sledge hammer or anything.

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ok How do i apply the thermal compound, do i spread it on the heat sink or cpu?





Ok friend I'll do my best to help out. (First attempt at helping another here) JOY :)


First off Go here:


Arctic Silver Instructions


Now when you get there don't worry about the Big Red Letters that say "NOT Arctic Silver" This really is the Arctic Silver site they just have warnings up all over the place telling you about this fake product. Now just scroll down the page and read on from there. Pretty easy stuff.


Hope this Helps.


Have Fun

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ok no-one has said it yet so I think I better warn you, DO NOT APLY PRESSURE TO THE HEATSINK UNLESS IT IS FLAT ON THE CPU, you'll crush the core of the CPU if you do, and also, pressure is a big thing and try not to use alot of it, as for the compound, spread it on the heatsink where it would land on the cpu and make sure it's a very thin layer and as smooth as you can make it.



please listen to me cause I've crushed 2 XP 1700 before learning the proper way, since then I've done hundreds without problems.

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I say this over and over again to everyone, be very careful of the capacitors around the ZIF--too many people say a little more than "darn it.." when they accidently bend a few off.... If you haven't done this before or if you find it to be too difficult just take your time and remove the board--it'll give experience for future tasks.... <_

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this is true, aplying thermal paste is almost an art-form, just make shure to apply it to all areas that need it, only lightly set the heat sink back on and attach it, try not to place your hand on the actual fan and heat sink. apply as little pressure as possible.

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well i did it last night and the computer still works butmy temps are higher than they were by like 10degrees c what the heck!? i know it takes like 48 hours for the thermal compound to set but is it supposed to get hotter before getting cooler?? I followed the instructions to the T. I know i didn't cruch the core if i had it wouldn't work at all could it be the sink is slightly crooked? Knowledge please.


what the heck???!!!



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