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Hi all


Cpu temp on the Die 53C

CPU temp external 35C

Case temp 31C


I have had a look at a couple of bioses on different boards and the only have CPU temp and Case temp they dont have DIE temp so if im right in what im seeing my cpu temp is only 35C would i be right in that conclusion


Which is faster to have Turbo then it runs at 1T command or to do it manual and turn the memory settings down but then i cant have it on 1T it only boots up on 2T command this is what i have at the momment


cpu 150 fsb

cpu divider /4

dram clock 166


cas 2

bank 4

pre to act 2T

act to pre 5T

active to cmd 2T

dram burst len 4

dram command rate 2T

dram access time 2T

dram queue depth 2 level

dram twtr 1T

write rec time 2T

agp fast

agp fast wright


With these settings i have had it stable at 150 FSB witch made my system a 2100xp run ok but thats all iv been able to do not to sure about the multiplier i think it is 11.5


I cant get it to go any high with the FSB i see some getting up to 180 FSB how can i get more out of mine


What settings would be best

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I would up the voltage and see if you can get the FSB to 166. It may not be your CPU that can't handle the 150 FSB, it could be that your IDE/PCI/AGP ports are too far out of their clock ranges. If you hit 166 the new divider will kick in and set them back at 33/66. What this means that a computer may not run at an FSB of 150, but it will run at an FSB of 166.

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Hi Vashious


The divider is on 4 up till 150 FSB then it says 5 divider from 150 fsb to 166

i have it stable at 150 fsb witch is making my system a 2100xp i tried to do 151 without turning the voltage up any more 1.750 but it didnt go into windows just tried to reboot i had to do the cmos to get it to go in to window could it be anything to do with haveing my memory setting



cpu 150 fsb

cpu divider /4

dram clock 166

cas 2

bank 4

pre to act 2T

act to pre 5T

active to cmd 2T

dram burst len 4

dram command rate 2T

dram access time 2T

dram queue depth 2 level

dram twtr 1T

write rec time 2T

agp fast

agp fast wright


Also is it ok to have the CPU at 166 when my memory is at 166


what will the system do if i just try it on 166 will i more and likely need to do the cmos again if it dont boot

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Your system may not be booting because of the RAM settings, when you up the FSB you're also overclocking the RAM as well, If your motherboard has the option, you COULD up the voltage to the RAM, but I wouldn't reccomend it, I've succefully fried RAM chips before....what kind of RAM are you using? If it's DDR333 you should be able to get the FSB to 166, if it's PC2100 or below, you may not be able to do it without jacking up the RAM voltage....OR, you could try setting all the latency settings up a bit, that will decrease the stress on the chip and possibly make it more stable for an overclock....but like a lot of things in life, overclocking is generally trial and error

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Ooops, I'm retarded, you're RAM info is in your signature thing. That RAM should be able to handle an FSB of 166 easily, what is probably happening is that your latency settings are a little too much for it to handle. Try setting them back to their default settings, and then overclocking the FSB to 166. The reason you want to shoot for an FSB of 166 is that the memory to cpu bandwidth will equalize and you shouldn't bottleneck the transfer between the two. I'm slowly losing faith in the Corsair XMS ram though, because I have a friend who has some and it's about as stable as my old Kingston Value RAM was, and I've read of some people having mad issues with them. But, just keep tweaking your settings and let us know what you can get your system to do!

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