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Things You Regret Most


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I regret clicking on kbs posts. Much like r target. I know what they will be like. Something about how awful life is, or how evil humanity is,. But for some reason I click on them anyway. Too much of my life has been wasted by reading kbs posts. I regret them all. :(

Unless there are evil monkies hovering over your shoulder, no one forces you to read someone's posts. The "Ignore" button is also there for a reason.

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hmm I regret reading kb's posts these days too perhaps we have a new trend?


As for what I regret umm lets review

no girlfriend

no job

no money

computer that is starting to give it up

few friends

regrets? none lol well except for reading kb's post that is :angry:

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You can always just scroll right by. It takes about 10 seconds of your life, boo friggidy hoo. You got plenty more years to live.

er.... not if someone is replying to a thread that the ignored person posted etc etc....

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failing a grade

I regret doing that too, but good thing it was only 7th grade english and only one marking period. My parents made my life a living hell for the following quarter/marking period.

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I regret clicking on kbs posts.  Much like r target.  I know what they will be like.  Something about how awful life is, or how evil humanity is,.  But for some reason I click on them anyway.  Too much of my life has been wasted by reading kbs posts.  I regret them all.  :(

hahahaha :withstupid:


KB's posts usually fall in few categories:

  • fuzzy porn
  • suicide
  • counter-strike rants/whining (haven't seen this in a couple of months - thank god - but there was a point where he'd make a new thread about how much "cs sucks" every day)
  • bitching about life in general
  • something stupid he finds online that he feels is funny, but often falls short

there's probably more, but I already regret wasting my time posting this....

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