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Stability Tester


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That is probably a bad title for this topic, but I had a program for testing the 3D of my videocard. It was like the "ATI Tool" program, but wasn't made for ATI or NVidia. Basically, It ran a DX9 program in a window that had like a spinning model, either a skull, balls, a teapot and one other that you could change the texture of it or make it like glass or something. It really used the videocard to the max. I used it to check my load temps of my video card. Anywho, I put it on my thunbdrive when I reformatted, but my thumb drive got messed up somehow, I have no idea how. But, I lost the name of it. i got it from this forum, but can't find it again when i try searchign for it. anyone know the program. The exe file was called hdtester.exe I hope someone knows what I am talking about. Can't find it on google either.

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