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Request For Oc Help


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Dear all,


I am buiding my first DIY computer, and have some problems with my computer overclocking. I wonder if anyone can help.




Antec SLK3700 AMB;

Asus A7N8X;

Atholon XP 2500+ Barton with 333FSB (retail version);

Kingston PC2700 512M x 2;

ATI 9600SE 128M;

WD 80G;

Win XP Pro;


My problem is that, when I keep the original frequency 11x166MHZ, the CPU temperature seems high: 63C/143F from BIOS. When I try to adjust the outside freqency to 200MHz, the system is easy to hang up. However, the motherboard's temp is pretty low: 31C/88F.


From google I find the critical thing here is the CPU temp which is too high for a non-OC 2500+. I use the original paste and Fan from AMD's package and follow the instruction exactly. In addition I think my case and motherboard should be good enough to support OC.


Can anybody give some hints about how to reduce the CPU temp and OC the system? Thank you so much.

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