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Case Time, Yippee!


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Well, I am soon going to buy a Sonata and have my old case which I really dont want much... so what kind of offers can I get for it. It is in awesome condition and the side can be seen here. Here it is in action:




Yea, there kinda bad quality but here is the deal The case is for sale but along with it you can get a blue cold cathode, a blue 4 fan baybus, a 96mm tornado, a PSU thats shot and a mobo (epox 8rga+) that MIGHT be bad, not sure yet...


So, Im not 100% sure Im gonna sell all this but if you make a bid that looks good to me you will prolly get it... you pay for shipping which will most likelly be cheep as I work at a shipping place so... anyone interested in any of it?

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