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What Ocs Are You Gettin


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First off, I know that jsut casue one person gets a good OC, doesn't mean I will get the same thing. I just wanna see what the "average" OC is on my hardware.


Mainly on the:


K8N Neo Platinum mobo with the NForce 3 250GB chipset


AMD 3200+ 64bit Proc.


What is your guys numbers, and you can also reply if you have a different board. I am runnin Geil PC3200 Ultra Dragon Ram. I know, the PC3200 is probably gonna hold me back, but hey, it OC'd my old Barton real well.

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what do u have? i think the cg is better for ocing then the co. ( if im wrong someone plz correct me)

thanks nerm for correcting me dont want to give out bad info


cmac :foldon:

Edited by cmac

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thx ya'll. ALso, my CPU-Z tells me i have the DH7-CG revision. On my chip, is this the stepping: CBAEC. Man, I feel like such a noob. Been busy at work and havent had much time ot keep up on the 64bit stuff. Althoug in CPU-Z, it sys my stepping is also 0. Model C, Ext. Model C, Family F and Ext. Family F. Hmmmm. How you find out if you have a clawhammer or newcastle? Do newcastle have the 512K Cache and clawhammer have the 1mb cache? And my current stable OC is in my Sig pic.




I am a big nerd, it tells me newcastle in teh freaking CPU-Z :P

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Byron I thought all Newcastle's were CO stepping, and BTW CO's are supposed to OC better than the CG's. But anway I am 99% sure all Newcastle's are CO stepping.

Other way around. The CG's overclock better than the C0's, and you're right that ALMOST all newcastles are CG's. The C0 steppings are chips that are actually clawhammers but have some of their cache disabled (these are the very early newcastle chips) while the CG stepping chips are a "true" newcastle with only 512k of cache in the first place.


I have a C0 newcastle 3000+, and it can hit 2.5 rock solid, about 2.6ghz max with some instabality.

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Well I was half right :-P I've been wondering about this for a while. But the previous owner of this cpu/mb sayed he could get it to 2.7 ish. I just need some better ram, because my pc-3200 cant push 260fsb or higher fsb without losing its stability.

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The C0 steppings are chips that are actually clawhammers but have some of their cache disabled (these are the very early newcastle chips) while the CG stepping chips are a "true" newcastle with only 512k of cache in the first place.

Is there a way to "re-enable" the extra cache?

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