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Cpu Support

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so i am getting an Abit IC7-G motherboard in a few days, will be a few weeks before i can afford the 2.8E 800Mhz prescott and was hoping to use my socket 478 celeron 2.0a in that motherboard until then


anyone tried this?


the abit site shows support for 800/533/400 cpu's, but monarch's site says 800/533, no 400Mhz support......


would it hurt to try, seems that the worst thing that could happen is it just wouldn't post

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well, intel's site says it supports northwood socket 478 90nm cpu's or cpu's on the .13nm process running 400/533/800Mhz, including the prescott core cpu's


considering my celly is nothing but a northwood .13nm cpu that didn't quite make the cut and had to be neutered down to 128k L2 cache, it should work just like it's P4 2.0A cousin, just slower

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