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Video Projects? Any Input Welcome


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I'm doing an independant study this semester based on video. I've been just video taping random stuff with me and my friends... but I was wondering if anyone here has some good ideas for a project I could do.... General or specific, I'm open to anything. I'm currently trying to get my girlfriend to let me shoot a metallica music video using her as the main character.... she's got some prime headbanging hair :lol:





if this is in the wrong place, mods... do ur thing, sorry.

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Film it all in regular speed and what not. For the different camera angles, do multiple takes and have the camera in different positions.

I used Windows Movie Maker to do my movie, it does what it's supposed to do. It's all about the editing though. Filming is the easy part. Editing will take a long time to do, to get right.


I always thought it was funny when they showed close ups of the fighters screaming, and then they start running, and the camera pulls back and they're like 100ft from each other, and it just shows them running and screaming and doing karate moves for like 10 minutes.

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