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A New Folding Toy


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IT looks like i found a new toy for those of us who fold. especially if you have a large folding army. Ive been lookin into diskless foldign and may have found a free, easy, and possibly even reliable answer :)


Its a version of Knoppix (a linux distrobution) and liek knoppix it is a nice user friendly boot & run form CD OS that contains things like GAIM (instant messaging) and web browsers etc built in. IT has the option to install to a HDD (which i havent tried yet) and it contains the programs to boot other PCs on a network off of the ONE origional PC (the server) with a CD-ROM. oh and did i mention...it also has folding built right in :)


Its called OVERCLOCKIX and i would link you but i dont have it here and woudl rather not look it up lol (google it) i havent been able to test it much but someone that knows what the heck there doing with linux please try it and tell me what you think. mabey some of us can use it to run massive diskless folding farms :)

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There's been threads on this before. One of these days, I'm going to have it figured out how to run folding w/o disks or VD drives. Just gotta get time to work on it (been saying that for months now :huh: )

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