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Is This A Newcastle?

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I wanted this one but it's sold out...




Please let me know... I wanted to buy this tonight.


If it's not is it the Clawhammer? Which is better?

Edited by Ruisu

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i got the newegg one using agentoranges logic & a one year warranty for about 10 bucks :D


can't wait, here are my future specs:


EXTENDED WARRANTY FOR #13-152-043 (Qty=1,Price=$5.92)

EXTENDED WARRANTY FOR #19-103-450 (Qty=1,Price=$10.56)

MB CHTECH VNF3-250 NFORCE3 250 RET (Qty=1,Price=$74.00)(Extended

Warranty Item)

CPU AMD 64 |2800+ ATHLON 64 % (Qty=1,Price=$132.00)(Extended Warranty


DDRAM512MB|CORSAR64X64 VS512MB400 % (Qty=1,Price=$78.00)

HD 80GB|WD 7200RPM 8MB WD800JB% (Qty=1,Price=$59.99)

CPU FAN AMD|VENUS12 K8 A1744 RT (Qty=1,Price=$29.99)

CASE POWMAX|CP02124HL-02 SVR RTL (Qty=1,Price=$38.00)


$438.85 =]

i feel like i did good, hope so, what do you think?

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the new Newcastle has like 500 while the clawhammer has 1000ish. so isn't the clawhammer faster?

it would be, compared to the same speeds. but that's why they clock the clawhammer cores 200mhz slower :D

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I think you are refering to cache, right? The clawhammer is clocked down 200 mhz from the newcastle but it has twice the L2 cache (1 mb for the clawhammer, 512k for the newcastle). The cache doesn't effect speed (clock speed that is) but it does help in overall performance. A clawhammer running at the same clock as a newcastle will eat it for lunch (for example 3400+ clawhammer @ 2.2 vs 3200+ newcastle @ 2.2). The newcastle already has a 200 mhz lead so in order to get the clawhammer to show it's extra power you still have to make up that 200 mhz which is made difficult by the clawhammer's lower multi. Make sense?

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