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Northbridge Fan

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I noticed today that my Northbridge fan wasnt working properly. WHen i turn the computer on, the fan starts off at what is a normal speed... then kind of sputters down a notch for some reason. It is noticebly moving slower than when it is frist turned on. What is going on? Power deficciency? Fan Deficcency? what? Mobo problem?

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Probably fan deficiency. While I've never experienced this problem, many others have. Abit can't seem to get it together on NB fans. One guy at the Abit boards had his fall off the mobo three times (!).


If it keeps acting flaky, you might think about replacing it yourself unless you want to RMA the whole board. But then, bye bye warranty.


You can replace it with an identical one from eXcaliberPC: http://www.excaliberpc.com/product_info.ph...ea32839d9205b25

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