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OK, so I have read all of your coments and I'm thinking about which CPU to start with. <_< NOw putting aside the AMD/Intel arguments I thought of starting with a AMD K8 SOCK939 AC97 4PATA 5PCI 6USB2 DDR400/333 FSB80 GA-K8VNXP-939 ATX what do U think? If this is OK, then Mobo? <_<

Edited by Brian

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OK, so I have read all of your coments and I'm thinking about which CPU to start with. <_ now putting aside the amd arguments i thought of starting with a k8 sock939 ac97 ddr400 fsb80 ga-k8vnxp-939 atx what do u think if this is ok then mobo>




sorry, i couldn't help it...but dude, that IS the mobo...not the processor <_ src="%7B___base_url___%7D/uploads/emoticons/default_unsure.png" alt=":unsure:">:blink::rolleyes:

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Yes!!! :D my mistake it should have been:AMD Athlon 64 FX-51 Socket 940 !!! :withstupid:

well in that case, the mobo you listed won't work for the fx-51 because the mobo is socket 939. If you want that cpu, take a look at the msi k8n neo.


btw, how much is the fx-51 now? You can get a socket 939 3500+ for ~$350 or a 3800+ for ~$650.

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LOL at that ClayMeow :-P


A normal CPU temp with a stock fan that comes with a cpu is 130-150 degress. 90-120 degress is the normal for 80mm fans it will change depending on room temp were you are 85C or about 170 or a little higher is the overheat point in most all motherboards. You must keep computer in a room that is lower then 100 degrees but higher then 45-50 degress. If your room is too hot your computer will overheat. If your room temp is too low condinsation will build up on parts and wreak them all. Make sure you always check your part numbers so nothing does fit on your mother board and you have to send it back!! Most have fun can show your friends how smart you are. Also make sure you get a case with a widow so you can show your work off to your friends. GOOD LUCK!!!


For one, never tell us temps in farenheit, a lot of us are from the U.s but the standard temp reading for comps are in celcius.


Another thing, The temp thing that he mentioned. The death temp is like 75C for most Processors, your mb wont get that hot, the processor will with inaquete cooling.


You DO NOT have to keep your processor in a room that is between 45C and 100C, that is a common misconception. as long as there is no humidity in the air (in a freezing atmosphere) you can store your comp as cool as you want. Condensation happens when your componenets heat up while other parts of the metal are exposed to regular air (not the same temp as the air cooling the processor, therefore condensation forms. if your whole area is 45C, or whatever, you wont form condensation, its only when there is a mix of hot/cold surfaces/air.


Besides that, antec is good, but there are other brands out there :-P some that are proven better but pricier lol.


(can you tell i'm trying to hit 500k keys b4 keycounter comes back! 440k now!

Edited by Byron

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No, really how will that cpu perform is it worth the price can it stand the presure? and what Mobo would U get to go with it??  <_>

you can get an fx-53 (939) oem for less than $800 and that's the best cpu on the market. how much can "your friend" get the fx-51 for you? We can't tell you if it's worth it if you don't list a price.



go here for some outstanding bundle offers:


Edited by ClayMeow

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If U are talking US $ it is about $300

well i don't know anyone that's gotten an fx-51, but I'd go for the 3500+ (939) instead. It's about the same amount of money, but the fx-51 requires registered memory, which is more expensive, so you have to take that into account. They're both 2.2ghz. The only benefit of the fx-51 is the 1mb of l2 cache, but the general consensus seems to be that that doesn't make that much of a difference. shrug.

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