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The Planned Rig


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heres so far wut i got planned out for my dads imaging rig. and it will b used for some games. and i got a spare case also. and this is a ZZM dang kick as$ prices i seen so far.

Edited by swifty11212

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lol im look @ the prices for a soc 939 and thats just way too much for my dad, but thats way too cheap for my rig i wanna get. and wuts this imaging, i nvr used sata nor raid ever, my cousin had raid, he didnt know how to use it lol.

Edited by swifty11212

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Imaging is rendering and stuff like that, right?

RAID 0 is two HDD working as one. In this setup, HDD speed improves dramatically. When rendering things, one of the biggest bottlenecks is HDD speed. Raid 0 alleviates this.


Setting up RAID 0 is the hard part, but it's really simple to do. Once it's setup, it appears as a single HDD in Windows.


If you decide to go the Raid 0 route, there will be tons of people here ready to answer any installation questions you have.

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nah doom 3 will love it, i have the audigy mp3+ and man my sound works much better, wc3 expac likes it too :) infact i got alot of games supportin eax, so it will b worth my $90. now when i have the setup fully done, ill annoy the **** outa my dad till he buys it lol, hmmm as for the video card, might get a 9800 aiw hmmm maybe if doom 3 will run nice with a 9600 aiw then i wont need a 9800 aiw, besides i heard that the 9600 runs cooloer than the 9000 series.

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