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Who Has Seen Avp?


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I was very dissapointed with the movie. Sure it had great fight scenes, but the previews made it seem like a different story all together. Plus it seemed a little almost cheesy that the predator gets to be buddies with that chick and makes her a weapon. I thought these predators were hunters and killed anything in its path.

Did you ever see the Preditor movies? Especially Preditor 2 with Danny Glover? Preditors don't kill everything in their path... they are hunters and warriors, but also seam to respect other strong warriors.


I thought it was good... not great, but good. It could have had a lot more in it, and I'm sure AVP2 will. :)



AVP was set to be a sequil to the Preditor movies, and a prequil to the Alien movies. - It filled that role very well.

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