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Runtime Error

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When I click the submit button @ http://www.ullr.com/ussreg.aspx I get a runtime error saying that 'style' is null or not an object. I believe this error is client side. I'm not shure what causes this but I think the code is generated by the server @ runtime.





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This is the code the script debugger brings up. Its javascript. The line it does not like is bold.


var Page_ValidationVer = "125";

var Page_IsValid = true;

var Page_BlockSubmit = false;

function ValidatorUpdateDisplay(val) {

if (typeof(val.display) == "string") {

if (val.display == "None") {



if (val.display == "Dynamic") {

val.style.display = val.isvalid ? "none" : "inline";




val.style.visibility = val.isvalid ? "hidden" : "visible";


function ValidatorUpdateIsValid() {

var i;

for (i = 0; i

if (!Page_Validators.isvalid) {

Page_IsValid = false;




Page_IsValid = true;


function ValidatorHookupControlID(controlID, val) {

if (typeof(controlID) != "string") {



var ctrl = document.all[controlID];

if (typeof(ctrl) != "undefined") {

ValidatorHookupControl(ctrl, val);


else {

val.isvalid = true;

val.enabled = false;



function ValidatorHookupControl(control, val) {

if (typeof(control.tagName) == "undefined" && typeof(control.length) == "number") {

var i;

for (i = 0; i

var inner = control;

if (typeof(inner.value) == "string") {

ValidatorHookupControl(inner, val);





else if (control.tagName != "INPUT" && control.tagName != "TEXTAREA" && control.tagName != "SELECT") {

var i;

for (i = 0; i

ValidatorHookupControl(control.children, val);




else {

if (typeof(control.Validators) == "undefined") {

control.Validators = new Array;

var ev;

if (control.type == "radio") {

ev = control.onclick;

} else {

ev = control.onchange;


if (typeof(ev) == "function" ) {

ev = ev.toString();

ev = ev.substring(ev.indexOf("{") + 1, ev.lastIndexOf("}"));


else {

ev = "";


var func = new Function("ValidatorOnChange(); " + ev);

if (control.type == "radio") {

control.onclick = func;

} else {

control.onchange = func;



control.Validators[control.Validators.length] = val;



function ValidatorGetValue(id) {

var control;

control = document.all[id];

if (typeof(control.value) == "string") {

return control.value;


if (typeof(control.tagName) == "undefined" && typeof(control.length) == "number") {

var j;

for (j=0; j

var inner = control[j];

if (typeof(inner.value) == "string" && (inner.type != "radio" || inner.status == true)) {

return inner.value;




else {

return ValidatorGetValueRecursive(control);


return "";


function ValidatorGetValueRecursive(control)


if (typeof(control.value) == "string" && (control.type != "radio" || control.status == true)) {

return control.value;


var i, val;

for (i = 0; i

val = ValidatorGetValueRecursive(control.children);

if (val != "") return val;


return "";


function Page_ClientValidate() {

var i;

for (i = 0; i





Page_BlockSubmit = !Page_IsValid;

return Page_IsValid;


function ValidatorCommonOnSubmit() {

event.returnValue = !Page_BlockSubmit;

Page_BlockSubmit = false;


function ValidatorEnable(val, enable) {

val.enabled = (enable != false);




function ValidatorOnChange() {

var vals = event.srcElement.Validators;

var i;

for (i = 0; i





function ValidatorValidate(val) {

val.isvalid = true;

if (val.enabled != false) {

if (typeof(val.evaluationfunction) == "function") {

val.isvalid = val.evaluationfunction(val);





function ValidatorOnLoad() {

if (typeof(Page_Validators) == "undefined")


var i, val;

for (i = 0; i

val = Page_Validators;

if (typeof(val.evaluationfunction) == "string") {

eval("val.evaluationfunction = " + val.evaluationfunction + ";");


if (typeof(val.isvalid) == "string") {

if (val.isvalid == "False") {

val.isvalid = false;

Page_IsValid = false;


else {

val.isvalid = true;


} else {

val.isvalid = true;


if (typeof(val.enabled) == "string") {

val.enabled = (val.enabled != "False");


ValidatorHookupControlID(val.controltovalidate, val);

ValidatorHookupControlID(val.controlhookup, val);


Page_ValidationActive = true;


function ValidatorConvert(op, dataType, val) {

function GetFullYear(year) {

return (year + parseInt(val.century)) - ((year


var num, cleanInput, m, exp;

if (dataType == "Integer") {

exp = /^\s*[-\+]?\d+\s*$/;

if (op.match(exp) == null)

return null;

num = parseInt(op, 10);

return (isNaN(num) ? null : num);


else if(dataType == "Double") {

exp = new RegExp("^\\s*([-\\+])?(\\d+)?(\\" + val.decimalchar + "(\\d+))?\\s*$");

m = op.match(exp);

if (m == null)

return null;

cleanInput = m[1] + (m[2].length>0 ? m[2] : "0") + "." + m[4];

num = parseFloat(cleanInput);

return (isNaN(num) ? null : num);


else if (dataType == "Currency") {

exp = new RegExp("^\\s*([-\\+])?(((\\d+)\\" + val.groupchar + ")*)(\\d+)"

+ ((val.digits > 0) ? "(\\" + val.decimalchar + "(\\d{1," + val.digits + "}))?" : "")

+ "\\s*$");

m = op.match(exp);

if (m == null)

return null;

var intermed = m[2] + m[5] ;

cleanInput = m[1] + intermed.replace(new RegExp("(\\" + val.groupchar + ")", "g"), "") + ((val.digits > 0) ? "." + m[7] : 0);

num = parseFloat(cleanInput);

return (isNaN(num) ? null : num);


else if (dataType == "Date") {

var yearFirstExp = new RegExp("^\\s*((\\d{4})|(\\d{2}))([-./])(\\d{1,2})\\4(\\d{1,2})\\s*$");

m = op.match(yearFirstExp);

var day, month, year;

if (m != null && (m[2].length == 4 || val.dateorder == "ymd")) {

day = m[6];

month = m[5];

year = (m[2].length == 4) ? m[2] : GetFullYear(parseInt(m[3], 10))


else {

if (val.dateorder == "ymd"){

return null;


var yearLastExp = new RegExp("^\\s*(\\d{1,2})([-./])(\\d{1,2})\\2((\\d{4})|(\\d{2}))\\s*$");

m = op.match(yearLastExp);

if (m == null) {

return null;


if (val.dateorder == "mdy") {

day = m[3];

month = m[1];


else {

day = m[1];

month = m[3];


year = (m[5].length == 4) ? m[5] : GetFullYear(parseInt(m[6], 10))


month -= 1;

var date = new Date(year, month, day);

return (typeof(date) == "object" && year == date.getFullYear() && month == date.getMonth() && day == date.getDate()) ? date.valueOf() : null;


else {

return op.toString();



function ValidatorCompare(operand1, operand2, operator, val) {

var dataType = val.type;

var op1, op2;

if ((op1 = ValidatorConvert(operand1, dataType, val)) == null)

return false;

if (operator == "DataTypeCheck")

return true;

if ((op2 = ValidatorConvert(operand2, dataType, val)) == null)

return true;

switch (operator) {

case "NotEqual":

return (op1 != op2);

case "GreaterThan":

return (op1 > op2);

case "GreaterThanEqual":

return (op1 >= op2);

case "LessThan":

return (op1

case "LessThanEqual":

return (op1


return (op1 == op2);



function CompareValidatorEvaluateIsValid(val) {

var value = ValidatorGetValue(val.controltovalidate);

if (ValidatorTrim(value).length == 0)

return true;

var compareTo = "";

if (null == document.all[val.controltocompare]) {

if (typeof(val.valuetocompare) == "string") {

compareTo = val.valuetocompare;



else {

compareTo = ValidatorGetValue(val.controltocompare);


return ValidatorCompare(value, compareTo, val.operator, val);


function CustomValidatorEvaluateIsValid(val) {

var value = "";

if (typeof(val.controltovalidate) == "string") {

value = ValidatorGetValue(val.controltovalidate);

if (ValidatorTrim(value).length == 0)

return true;


var args = { Value:value, IsValid:true };

if (typeof(val.clientvalidationfunction) == "string") {

eval(val.clientvalidationfunction + "(val, args) ;");


return args.IsValid;


function RegularExpressionValidatorEvaluateIsValid(val) {

var value = ValidatorGetValue(val.controltovalidate);

if (ValidatorTrim(value).length == 0)

return true;

var rx = new RegExp(val.validationexpression);

var matches = rx.exec(value);

return (matches != null && value == matches[0]);


function ValidatorTrim(s) {

var m = s.match(/^\s*(\S+(\s+\S+)*)\s*$/);

return (m == null) ? "" : m[1];


function RequiredFieldValidatorEvaluateIsValid(val) {

return (ValidatorTrim(ValidatorGetValue(val.controltovalidate)) != ValidatorTrim(val.initialvalue))


function RangeValidatorEvaluateIsValid(val) {

var value = ValidatorGetValue(val.controltovalidate);

if (ValidatorTrim(value).length == 0)

return true;

return (ValidatorCompare(value, val.minimumvalue, "GreaterThanEqual", val) &&

ValidatorCompare(value, val.maximumvalue, "LessThanEqual", val));


function ValidationSummaryOnSubmit() {

if (typeof(Page_ValidationSummaries) == "undefined")


var summary, sums, s;

for (sums = 0; sums

summary = Page_ValidationSummaries[sums];

summary.style.display = "none";

if (!Page_IsValid) {

if (summary.showsummary != "False") {

summary.style.display = "";

if (typeof(summary.displaymode) != "string") {

summary.displaymode = "BulletList";


switch (summary.displaymode) {

case "List":

headerSep = "


first = "";

pre = "";

post = "


final = "";


case "BulletList":


headerSep = "";

first = "


pre = "

  • ";

    post = "

  • ";

    final = "";


    case "SingleParagraph":

    headerSep = " ";

    first = "";

    pre = "";

    post = " ";

    final = "




    s = "";

    if (typeof(summary.headertext) == "string") {

    s += summary.headertext + headerSep;


    s += first;

    for (i=0; i

    if (!Page_Validators.isvalid && typeof(Page_Validators.errormessage) == "string") {

    s += pre + Page_Validators.errormessage + post;



    s += final;

    summary.innerHTML = s;



    if (summary.showmessagebox == "True") {

    s = "";

    if (typeof(summary.headertext) == "string") {

    s += summary.headertext + "


    for (i=0; i

    if (!Page_Validators.isvalid && typeof(Page_Validators.errormessage) == "string") {

    switch (summary.displaymode) {

    case "List":

    s += Page_Validators.errormessage + "


    case "BulletList":


    s += " - " + Page_Validators.errormessage + "


    case "SingleParagraph":

    s += Page_Validators.errormessage + " ";





    span = document.createElement("SPAN");

    span.innerHTML = s;

    s = span.innerText;






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    Im thinking it dosent involve admin rights, i have teh same thign happen to me on my laptop when using IE, only its for about 40% of the sites i visit (not OCC though :) ) To "fix" it on my laptop I just started using Netscape (which i dont really like) but anyway the errors went away and it works to browse the web.

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