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How Would This Stack As A Media Center Pc

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Hey look at the list below and tell me what you think of this as media center pc it will be acting as a satilitte reciver, dvd player, dvd - record, office machine, and all round game the monitor will be add later so need to mention that and surround reciver and speeakers are all ready in place.





silver stone 157usd

9800 pro saphire 209usd

compro tv tuner card


=1 57usd

audigy 2 88usd

mobo MSI "K7N2 Delta-ILSR" nForce2 Ultra 400 101usd



processor 3200+ 179usd

ram 1gb crucial 178usd

sp-97 heat sink 43.99usd

nb cooler thermalright 11.99usd

vga silencer 14.99usd

cpu-fan enermax 92mm 11.99usd

case fan 6.99usd panflow 80mm

psu superflower 550watt 79.99usd

other heat sinks ocz bga ram sinks 8 13.98usd

hard drive cooler 7.99usd

sata cable 1.99usd

2x rouned 18inch ata cables $4usd

1 floppy rounded 1.15usd

copper cpu shim 2.99usd

hard drive 160gb sata seagate 125.67usd

floppy 9.99usd

dvd 16x liteon 34.99usd

dvd-rw 8x dual format liteon 97.99usd

winxp pro 142.99usd

wireless keyboard mouse logitech cordless duo 74.99 usd

pc remote http://www.svc.com/niveuspcrmt.html 47.99usd

labor 45.00usd

as5 6usd

as3 adhesive 9usd

wireless adapter cnet 54mbs g/b adapter 31.50usd

sub total 1877.49usd



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unless its going to be an everything media center pc, seems like theres some overkill.


like the 9800 pro and a tv tuner. why not go with a 9700 AIW, or 9600 AIW. unless its going to be used serious gaming the 9600 AIW is probably good.


dvd burner and 16x dvd-rom, once again unless this is going to be full time machine i'm not sure 2 optical drives will really be that useful. personally i don't even have two in my main rig. i don't find them _that_ useful.


500w psu? you'd be better off getting a quality 350w-400w made by a good company (entemax, antec, etc.)


floppy drive? people still use those? personal preferance i guess


remote...the tv tuner you have listed comes with a remote. if you go 9600AIW it also comes with a remote...in fact that one on svc looks like a clone of it.


those are my thoughts...nothing more

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pretty much would be media/everthing pc, I find floppy drive useful for exceptional small transfers and the extra remote and dual drive setup is so that it can be used as dvd - recorded / copier/player I could use the 460 watt zalman if you think it would be a better psu. thankyou for te comments I'll consider using aiw 9600 and 2600+mobile

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if you got a dvd+-r/rw... you wont need a dvd-rom...


it's not like a dual-deck tape player... you just copy from dvd to hd, then hd to dvd... you can't copy on the fly from the dvd-rom to the writer... because there's an intermediate step in the dvd to hd part... you should know what this is...


on the fly copies are prone to error, and dvd-writers are better readers anyway...


why bother with an sp97 if you not gonna oc (oh yeah that won't mount on the delta-ilsr cos it ain't got mounting holes) get a Zalman if its a media center pc cos it's quieter at stock speeds - sp97 is better with more airflow and oc-ing... you won't need the bga ramsinks if you ain't oc-ing... the vga silencer can stay cos that's a nice silent solution whether oc-ing or not... oh yeah so get rid of AS3 adhesive cos no ramsinks... no need for NB-1 if not oc-ing... just use the passive one (or the active one if you get a mobo that has one) that comes with it...

definitely get the mobile... it's a better quality chip than the 3200+ and will run at 3200 speeds at lower voltage - therefore less heat, less cooling, less noise... its cheaper too... hard drive coolers are pointless in most cases cos the case fans provide cool air to them... if you've got a wireless adapter then lose the floppy drive... transfer over network instead...


i'd DISrecommend the k7n2 mobo... the DFI UI is around the same price or cheaper AND it comes with mounting holes which gives a lot more flexibility... it's also a far superior board...

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how is this I've updated the speifications

case strand black mid tower 27.00

9600 aiw 180

audigy 42.00

mobo MSI "K7N2 Delta-ILSR" nForce2 Ultra 400 101



processor 2600+ mobile 95.00

ram 1gb ddr 3200 samsung 80

cpu heat sink cooler 2SL rev.2 12.99

vga silencer 14.99

case fan 6.99 x4

psu enermax 460watt 79.99 http://www.svc.com/enwh46posuw9.html

other heat sinks 7

2x rouned 18inch ata cables $4

1 floppy rounded 1.15

hard drive 80gb ide seagate 70.00

floppy 9.99

dvd 34.99

cd-rw 34.50

winxp pro 142.99

wireless keyboard mouse 74.99

labor 45.00

as5 6

wireless adapter 31.50

sub total 1120~



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if you're not going to overclock, why the mobile? MaximumPC magazine just built a media PC outta an old pc and it was only 900MHz. The amount of memory on a media PC is more important than a super fast proc

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