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"simple" Rule To Overclocking:

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Finding a great cpu/gpu/core/ram compatable OC setting:



bring all settings back down to stock speeds/settings,


then figure out a ratio of the highest cpu speed you can get to the highest graphix speed you can get... for instance:

stock speeds on cpu = 2.6

stock speeds on gpu = 300 core and 700 ram


if you can max your cpu out at (lets just say) 3ghz with the graphix at stock,


and then with the processor at stock u can get the graphix to (lets just say) 450 core and 850 ram


but for some reason you CANT get them both that high together, then OC each one a little at a time- for instance: overclock the cpu 100mhz, then OC the graphix 20 core 30 ram


keep doing this till you get your FIRST UNSTABLE clock or your first abnormal graphix render (artifact) and remember what the settings were BEFORE your last clock change (write down your settings/results each time)


if you alter your voltages then you change everything so leave the voltages stock while you are trying to find a stable combination between cpu and gpu


remember BABY STEPS..... dont take big jumps in clock multiplier settings, voltages, anything...... this is going to require a LOT of rebooting but usually taking jumps from 1 to 5 in incriments are the safest way to find your perfect stable setting


so its gonna take a while - be patient

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Nice but theres already facts and guides all over the net.. Are you just copying someone elses?? J/K (i hope).. But good guide overall. Make it look more professional, for example puncutaion, spelling, and grammar. Not saying im perfect in englisg.

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its common knowledge that video cards oc funny say you leave the ram at stock and get a 50mhz gpu oc then go back to stock, and get a 50mhz ram oc the chances of running both the ram and gpu both at max speeds are slim. i ussally sacrifice a few gpu mhz to get the ram speed up. never seen a cpu oc hender a video card oc thou using a modo with a locked agp/pci bus

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was postin this cause somewhere in here (i think in the 3dmark03 scores) someone posted that they were havin troubles gettin higher speeds without bad results


(its always easier to look for "new" posts ;) )

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dude, thanks for the oc101 class :lol:

sadly, there's already a basic oc guide on this site and about 73 kibbily-billi-azillion guides like this all over the net...


agh! my eyes itch... fockin hay fever... :(

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