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Battlefield Vietnam Is It Really Better Than The R


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Ok i have made this so i can prove to a friend which is better but im not going to tell you what i think (or it would ruin the whole idea).




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i have seen them both and i liked the unreal demo but i like veitnam better even though i haven't polayed it because i'm not big on fake weapons and alein technology (except halo that is)

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Yeah Im not into super fast paced games EXCEPT UT because it is really fun but I dont like shooters where there is no strategy as far as shot placement like BF I like Tactical Sims for my FPS games but hey what do you care about my opinion!lol

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I'm with the others, what is the "R"?


BF:V is good... in some way's it's a step up from 1942.

UT2K4 is just another UT game. Not a whole lot to offer. But it is still fun to play from time to time, and I know a lot of people here like it.


TCSCPT multiplayer is nice... if you like slow paced games that require you to think a bit more than the traditional FPS games.


Painkiller is a lovely multiplayer game, though it could use some more skins, maps, and weapons.

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i got bf:v and it is great fun but its hard to find a lag free server and its even harder to find a lag free server were people play as a team.but its still great fun. the only other recent game i can compare it to is call of duty and well lets just say if i could find my call of duty disk id be playing 24/7.

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