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^ knows exactly what we're talking about

< wouldn't be surprised if ^ has done said substance before

^ maybe he is pondering so much because he just got done

< will be the first president to say YES I DID INHALE! silly clinton, that remark just made me wonder: after all, if he didn't have enough on the balls to inhale -- the essential feature of pot smoking -- why should we expect him to do anything else right? :lol:

V will come to my LIBERALS HAVE BEEN CRUSHED party in 2020.

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^Has been smoking too much of the good stuff to understand taht < hates politics and prefers to bash all parties especialy which ever one the president belongs to


<likes the magicaly effects of the happy shroom as he can pick them up off the ground for free when he visits wales


Wishes he was a happy shroom


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^ Likes Magic Mushy soup :P


< Is in the medical profession, and SEES the results of said substances on the mind :O


< Also expects substance users to say medical advice re same, is all hype :P


< Is amazed the < actually agrees with andrusk's Republicanistic response :lol:


v Will give some schpeal about Gov't anti-substance propaganda :wacko:

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^ doesn't realize that the government is not citizens' best friend and instead only want to control them and in doing so takes away a citizens right to do what they want with their own bodies and what they put in them


< knows what's best for him and doesn't let the government decide that for him


V shouldn't let the gov. tell V that it knows what's best for V either

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^^sees the effects that it has one people that abuse it, if u drink 10 beers everyday ofcourse ur liver is going to be gone in a hurry, but if u drink one a day, it actually cleans ur system, said substance is said to help ur eyes if taken wisely.


^ sounds like a liberal

< doesn't know what to think about ^

< like that he likes said substance, but thats about it


V will tell < what < should think of ^

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^ doesn't realize that the government is not citizens' best friend and instead only want to control them and in doing so takes away a citizens right to do what they want with their own bodies and what they put in them


< knows what's best for him and doesn't let the government decide that for him


V shouldn't let the gov. tell V that it knows what's best for V either

^ Amen brother!! this is one reason why I am disappointed in both Republicans and Democrats...

No gov't should decide in telling me what is good for my body. (First time i actually agreed with you xboarder)

Its called Personal and Individual Responsibility ppl! <---- http://www.lp.org View!

Go Libertarians!!! This is why I am an Independent, and not registered to any party.

\/ Didn't realize Ayokona was an Independent!

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^ didn't realize I was, and have been, a Libertarian all along either I guess :P


< wished they had a candidate in this presidential election

< doesn't want to resort to voting for the "lesser of the two evils"


V should run for president on the Libertarian platform

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^ should vote for me in 2020

< knows running as any third party will result in a loss

< is a registered republican but leans towards the Libertarian way on lots of issues

V is going to vote for me in 2020

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<Is going to vote for ^ in 2020.

<Isnt a registered republican. But would never run as a third party. Thats just political suicide.

< when given a choice < will register as a republican when running for office.

Edited by andrusk

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