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How To Get Rid Of This Toolbar?


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I got this stupid blue toolbar and no matter what i try it always comes back. It is really making me mad. Its the blue toolbar

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I have ran ad-aware spybot and all that it won't find it. I am about ready to format my hard drive i uninstalled ie and reinstalled it, it didn't work, My fist is going through the monitor if i don't find out how to get this off my computer, It might just be a toolbar but that is the kind of stuff that makes me mad. SO please help in anyway possible.

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when you right-click on it, what's the name that it gives? I remember awhile back some dumbass toolbar installed itself on my computer, and it couldn't be uninstalled/removed by "normal" means. I found the website of the toolbar and went to it, and sure enough, there was a link there that said something like "if *** toolbar was installed accidently and you would like to remove remove it, click here", so i clicked there, and after confirming, it removed it. stupid thing. lol. I since blocked that site in my HOSTS file, so i'd never get it again.

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