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Mystery Woman


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Ya I didn't get any of that either. :blink:

O and Sly I realy like your banner. (I'm a republican that is very anti libral if you didnt gather that all ready.)

join the posse mr anderson. and be sure to vote for that loveable have-a-beer-with kinda guy yet someone who can still kick some . when it comes to threats to his beloved country and the stickin know-nothing UN, Sly_C in 2020 k?

Edited by Sly_C

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OK, I don't get what PC stands for but, now that I am thinking about it, I probably don't want to know either :)


Just to answer about Kylie Minogue though, she is Australian, not British. Any you all should know by now that most things found on the web are either photoshop or airbrushed... think about it.

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aww thats too bad. oh well. hey what about that hot bitish girl in that movie where brand frassier trades his sole to the devil and she plays the devil. and its kylie minogue british?

Elizabeth Hurley.Oh yeah she's something else.

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wow, i didn't think so many people would have a problem with it....


"fix her PC"....



i hope i dont' get in trouble for this....but uh...the p stands for a color...and the c....well.......come on now ppl....u can't be THAT naive! thing slang....

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