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When Your On The Computer Too Long...


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Judging from your typing Id say you may want to reconsider that! lmao jk :P

erm... yeh. lol


my excuse.. i was on my old computer!! the keyboard is messed.. space bar is suck and cpresses byitesf sometimes





i cnat type anyways lol < on my main computer righ tnow .. wiht a working keyboard

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i don't have one thanks to my nice gel wristrest :) but then again, i wouldn't know, because in junior yr of highschool i had a chunk of skin ripped outta me in that very spot of the hand via football...stupid 300lb third yr senior plowed thru me wearing a metal watch which you're not supposed to wear in gym, and it tore my skin...didn't even notice it at first...said i was fine and we continued to play, until this girl screamed, OMG! look at your hand! at which point i noticed that blood was pouring down like a waterfall....his watch was completely broken from the impact though...so i was content ;) ....so anyways, i have a slight scar there now



As for lifelong calouses, only one i have is on the lower part of my thumb due to excessive bowling :) (at least twice a week while at college) :ph34r:

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Lol.... I dont even want to know what that is... And yes. I also have one of those rocks under my skin... My excuse, Some vulcan came down and did the finger thing and then all of a sudden this guy wearing Star Trek stuff beamed down and said we come here in search of peace and then this purple monkey walked by me and said, "hello ol' chap" and then at band camp the weirdest thing happened.... (5 minutes later) and then i noticed i had this dry spot on my hand.

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