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3080 12gb bios flash between brands


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Hi All,

I have a Gigabyte 3080 12gb oc card. I'm quite happy but I'm trying to get the most out of it.

What are the odds of me flashing the card to say, a EVGA FTW3 bios? Mine has a 370w tdp limit, the EVGA has a limit of 400w. Power supply should be able to handle it, but the card only has two 8 pin pcie connectors. Difference in clockspeed is not an issue, i can easily run plus 100mhz on afterburner. I tried to google this but can't find anything.

Also, would a 3080ti bios flash work? I know my card has less cuda cores, but gigabyte has the aurus master with a limit of 450w, which might be more feasable than getting it flashed to another vendors bios.


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Sometimes this works but I wouldn't try it, unless youve done some extensive research to confirm that it works between these 2 manufacturers and cards.  It's easier using MorePowerTool any way.  You can also screw things up using this tool as well, so before using it, search for the tool name and your specific card.  And only change what they say, don't experiment with changing other options that will be available in the software.

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