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Kaspersky Requesting Court Overturn Ban on Software


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Last week President Trump signed into law a spending bill that also banned the use of Kaspersky Lab software on government computers, something the Department of Homeland Security already issued a directive concerning in September. Now the Russian software company has asked a federal court to overturn this ban, claiming it was not afforded due process.

According to Kaspersky Labs, there is no evidence its software has been used by the Russian government for espionage purposes, and the government mostly relied on uncorroborated news media reports. While the loss of US government business is actually somewhat minor, not even amounting to $54,000 or 0.03% of its US subsidiary's sales, this has been a much more significant blow to its reputation. Some retailers have even dropped Kaspersky products, including Best Buy, as a result of the claims against the company.

In addition to overturning the ban, the company also wants the court to declare its products are not a security threat to government computers.

Source: Reuters

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This ban on a software company just because it is based in a certain country has got to be the stupidest thing I have heard in a long time.


Unless they can 110% prove their claims that the antivirus program was being used to spy on the US government I would think they would have not over reacted like this. I hope Kaspersky sues the pants off of the US government for this stupid crap. It not only hurts the companies rep to the point they may lose 80% of their sales it also makes the US government look like there is nothing but goons & apes running the show.

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ok as an american US Army vet, who served in the European theater during the cold war, i can assure that the Russians are up to no good. Russian spy networks and infiltration techniques are among the best in the world and have been since before the days of the czars ...Russians are not your friend, and THEY ARE trying every way they can to dismantle and destroy American democracy... if Kaspersky is willing to fight against the ruling it is because they will lose their gains in spying on and infiltrating america... i have seen it and experienced it ... Keep Russians and all their outlets and networks out of america !! and you will be safer...

How can you tell if a Russian spy network is lying ? that's all they do, they're always lying always !!

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