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Polymer Insulator Created for High Temperature Systems


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Electrical insulators, or dielectrics, are essential to many electronic systems, including energy storage and conversion. Typically ceramics are used in these situations, because they can endure the high temperatures involved, but many want to see dielectric polymers used instead. Unfortunately current dielectric polymers cannot survive the temperatures in within large batteries and other systems, but researchers at Penn State may have found a solution.

Instead of working with just a polymer, the researchers added small flakes of boron nitride, which is also known as white graphene. Unlike actual graphene though, boron nitride is an insulator, and adding it to the mix did not reduce the polymer's flexibility. The resulting composite material is also able to withstand the high temperatures normal polymers cannot of over 480 ºF, while maintaining its high-voltage capacity.

Potential applications for this material include electric vehicles, aerospace, and equipment for exploring deep underground, where a dielectric's ability to store electricity and release it quickly will be useful. This release can be enough to start up an engine and can be used to convert the direct current of batteries into the alternating current motors need to operate.

Source: Penn State

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