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UK TV Shows


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Anyone here watch UK TV shows? Want to share what shows you watch?


I just finished Merlin.. It is not bad.. just did not like the way they ended the show..

Currently watching second season of Luther (Stream).. Waiting for the third season to be shipped.


Next on the list is Robin Hood followed by MI-6 I believe... Thanks..

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Do you like Sci-fi and comedy, specifically really corny, lame and immature comedy?

Then I'd really recommend watching Red Dwarf.

Actually just watch it no matter what you like, it is seriously fantastic, it's basically just a late 80s early 90s sitcom in space.


One of my top 5 TV shows for sure.




Oh and Top Gear as well...

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BBC America shows top gear.. .. Not much into sci-fi.. so no dr who..


Watched all monty python, allo allo', fawlty towers..The IT Crowd (Looking for the last episode they had last year), Coupling, The Office, Absolute Fabulous


Currently watching Robin Hood (TV series)


Watched Sherlock Holmes.. Waiting for Season 3 dvd to arrive from Netflix...


Watched Luther.. Waiting on season 3 from netflix.. Cool Show.. He would be a good James Bond.. 


Heard of Torchwood or Spaced?


Looking for shows like Luther, Merlin, MI-5.. 


Added Red Dwarf, Black Adder in Netflix queue.. Thank you..

Edited by Gremlin

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The only thing I watch is BBC America's Copper. Great show!


I used to watch Merlin, which I really liked, but then they messed with the scheduling and I wound up missing a lot so I just gave up.


I watched the Torchwood: Miracle Day season, when it was shown on Starz, but I never watched any other season.

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If you have Netflix.. they have all seasons of Merlin on stream...


I will add Torchwood.. Thank you :)

Well the problem for me is I watch a TON of TV, so catching up on several seasons for a show is just not feasible :lol:. If anything, I need to make cuts, not additions :lol:



EDIT: Torchwood: Miracle Day was good, BTW. There was some backstory, but they explained a lot of it, so I never felt lost by not watching the other seasons, though that's not say fans of the series wouldn't have gotten "more" out of it. Still, it was enjoyable.

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Cool thank you :)


I will need to cut down as well for next season.. due to Gotham on FOX and Flash coming out on CW.. I think CW only wanted Arrow for 3 years so have to see what happens.. 

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