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Best Free Proxy, Joining FB


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It pains me to say this, but i am considering joining facebook.

Yes i know why sell out after so many years of resistance? Well i met enough cool people from all over the place in summer classes this year that i feel fb is necessary in order to keep up with them, as email seems to be a dying art.

This being the case i am going to possibly extreme lengths to protect my privacy. I don't want facebook or my friends to know where i'm at all the time, nor do i want to give fb a single byte more data than i choose to. Now i know that's fairly impossible but i want to do what i can.

So i am looking for recommendations for a fast free proxy that i can use along side my other privacy addons to retard zuckberg's nosey efforts.

Google turns up lots of results but i don't know enough to make an educated choice in this field.

Thanks for any and all help,



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Proxpn is slow as all get out. The reason i was thinking proxy was that i could use it in just one browser, chrome, and only suffer a speed hit on that browser and use my regular ip for heavy browsing.

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Not this hidemyass I hope

Yep same one! That article shouldn't bother you unless you are using a proxy for illegal activities in which case we won't be discussing it here anyway now will we. ;) ....Actually this risk is there with any proxy that is not based out of a country like Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc.

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Surely the point is not trusting your data with a 3rd party.


Also SpeedCrazy check out FB's shadow profiles you are probably already on there :)

Yes it was. And to that end i gave completely fictional data. Then i friend-ed my girlfriend and it recommended i change my name so more people would recognize me, and for the change it recommended my full name... That junk is scary, and knowing some of my friends they do probably upload their phone/email address books. So fb probably knows my name, cell number, address, home number, work number. That has soo got to be illegal.

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Not illegal if you agree to their terms of service.  The primary thing about FB (beyond disguising your IP behind a proxy or VPN) is to understand and adjust all of your privacy settings.  By default, most of the settings are as "loose" as possible and likely share more information than most people should be comfortable with.


But to some extent you can lock your account down to the point that you can manage what personal information is getting out in the wild.  Now of course, that won't protect you from getting hacked, or FB using your personal information without your knowledge or approval, and of course won't protect you from the over-reaching implications of the Patriot Act and domestic snooping / spying.  For all that stuff you're on your own   :)

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