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3570k temps with stock cooler

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what temps should i be getting with the stock cooler, i think the one's i'm getting are kinda high, idle they are around 35-40c under load they are around 65-70c

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Stock cooler, seems about right if stress testing, seems pretty high if it's just average daily use without much stress.



1. Ambient temps (where you live)

2. Overclocked settings (if any)

3. TIM (most likely stock)

4. What you're doing to get those temps during load (Prime95, IntelBurnTest, etc)

5. Type of case and airflow

6. Motherboard (some will apply more voltages than others for the same CPU)


All I can think of right now. Those temps shouldn't be a problem, anyways.

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I had the same question, when I put together this pc. I have a i5 2500k, which is the last generation equivalent to yours. I think I had about the same temps when doing some what stressful testing, so I guess your temps are about right.

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