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Serious Sam 3: BFE Giveaway via Steam (2 keys)


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As the title states I have 2 copies of Serious Sam 3: BFE to giveaway via STEAM. Two random posts will be drawn at ~5p EST 2/16/2013. The only way to enter is post the name of someone you referred to OCC. Also, if you intentionally double post you'll be disqualified. That is all. :D






Edited by FUZi0N

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*I'm not entering the contest*


I just wanted to say I have SS3: BFE and it is a blast, but its not really a high-profile game, I wish the series was more popular. If you miss the good old days of Doom 2 style FPS gameplay, where you have an insane arsenal of weapons and massive hordes of monsters to kill, you will have a great time with this game.


I will say it starts out linear and a bit slow, but around the time you get the double barreled shotgun, the environment opens up with huge maps filled to the brim with bizarre monsters/aliens wanting to kill you. No regenerating health, no cover systems, just you and your minigun or rocket launcher (among other crazy weapons) verses an army of baddies.


This is the closest you will get to a "classic" style FPS you can get these days. I fully recommend it. 

Edited by 90sgamer

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