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Accessories; Belkin, Griffin, or..


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So I have been without my own car for about 2 years now, long story short my car was broken into and all things stolen and I just started using my wifes car instead of fixing it up because there was a score of other things wrong with it. Anyways, I now have a car again and I am unsatisfied with the USB plugin it has for charging my phone, Ipod, etc. I am about to purchase accessories for it, and I was wondering what other people use, as in a Belkin dual charger, or a Griffin dual charger? Or is there another brand you prefer? 


I usually have stuck with Belkin, its generally kind of cheap but not cheap cheap at wal-mart; but I have branched out and tried other brands and they have broken within a few months. 


Also, other than car chargers, what other kinds of accessories do you use when your not at home, or your on a road trip?

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