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Advice for upgrades


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Just wondering if I can any advice on what the most vital upgrade for my aging system would be.


I have a Core 2 Quad processor 2.4 Ghz in an Asus P5B motherboard with 4 Gb of Moshkin RAM and a Nvidia GTX260 graphics card with a SATA2 HD. I am able to run BF3 on medium quite well, and SW:TOR on high, but a low FPS (20-25, can't change the preset from High for some reason; this might only be because of the stress test going on).


Oh yeah and running Win7.



Edited by Samursus

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GTX 460 is a solid choice for price to perform, GTX 560 is solid as well. Other than that you would need a new processor and that would mean new mobo and all that goes with swapping those out. Not sure but if the 260 supports SLI, but if your mobo and psu can that would be an easy fix as well.

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I think he means they were stress testing the server. At least I hope he isn't trying to game while running Prime95 in the background!

Prime95 shouldn't cause any real lag assuming it's running the default priority of idle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the advice guys!


Yeah, I got into the SW:TOR beta test weekend... they were stress-testing the servers.


I am really impressed with how my system has held up since I built it about 5 years ago (or longer). But I think you guys just confirmed what I knew, is that the bones (CPU+MoBo) need to be replaced. Thankfully components seem to be getting cheaper and cheaper.

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