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New Noctua Fan


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I made a comment about it on another site this morning. Might as well throw my two-cents in here.

I have the Noc DH-14. It was like 84 bux. It kewls like a sumbatch. The new PS-12 or what ever its called is a fantastic fan but imo $24 bux for a fan, any fan, is just too much money.

Let them use this fan on their CPU coolers and just offer it for sale. I know other fans cost as much, imo THEY are too expensive too!

Im not sure what the average CPU cooler price is thse days but most of the good ones take two fans,,,, just add another $50 to the price and you can have maybe a couple more degrees centigrade less. Just sayin.


I'll tell ya what looks good to me right now is that Zalman CNPS 12X CPU cooler. Suhweet.

Edited by Kwok

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I only use Noctua NF-P12's on all my systems, but I get them for $15 a pop in bulk, but that's still a LOT of money for just fans. Still, I love how quiet a room with 8 computers is...

Send me a computer? :lol:


I don't see myself ever getting any of these. I'll probably pick up some Xigmatek Crystal series or CM Sickleflow, or Scythe Slipstream's before paying $15+ for a fan.

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