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Test my game!


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Alright, now that I enticed you with my title, I can be more honest...


I'm in a Game Design Masters program and I had to create a Flash game in my Game Development class for the midterm. It's nothing major, just an interactive story, like a choose-your-own-adventure. Anywho, I need people to take a usability test after playing it, so that's where I could really use your guys' help!


Here's a link to the game: http://vpaweb.cwpost...04/shadows.html


Here's a link to the usability test: http://kwiksurveys.com?u=andrewmidterm


Please be (brutally) honest!


I thought using kwiksurveys would be easiest. I made all answers "required" simply so you don't accidentally skip over one, but if you don't want to answer a particular question, feel free to put in "N/A" or something.


If you guys would instead just like to answer in a post, that would work too....here are my questions:


How many times did you play the game?


How many times did you die?


Was it easy to understand and use? If not, why?


Were there any issues with the interface?


What kind of mood/atmosphere do you think I was trying to portray? Did I succeed?


Did the sound add or detract from the game's enjoyment? Was there too little, too much, or just the right amount?


Did the story keep you engaged? Did you want to keep playing even after you died?


Was there enough content or did it leave you wanting more?


Did you find the hidden button? Before or after you read this question? On your first playthrough or not? Did you like that it was hidden or did that frustrate you? Did you start scouring other scenes for more?


Did you realize there was no winning condition? How long did it take to realize that? Does the fact that you cannot win frustrate you?


What is your overall opinion of the game?


How can it be improved?


Did you pass the game on to a friend?


Where did you find out about this game and survey?


If you guys just want to play my game and not answer the questions, that's fine too.


I need responses by Friday, so I can compile them and write a summary for my teacher, but obviously you can play and take the quiz whenever you want after that as well.



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How many times did you play the game? So far Once


How many times did you die? Once


Was it easy to understand and use? If not, why? Could have used a prelude of some kind, I don't like just jumping into a game


Were there any issues with the interface? nope, worked great


What kind of mood/atmosphere do you think I was trying to portray? Did I succeed? Seemed scary, I died so yeah


Did the sound add or detract from the game's enjoyment? Was there too little, too much, or just the right amount? Had my speakers off


Did the story keep you engaged? Did you want to keep playing even after you died? I didn't know what was going on so I quit


Was there enough content or did it leave you wanting more? There was a lot of options before i died, so I may play again


Did you find the hidden button? Before or after you read this question? On your first playthrough or not? Did you like that it was hidden or did that frustrate you? Did you start scouring other scenes for more? I didn't find it at all


Did you realize there was no winning condition? How long did it take to realize that? Does the fact that you cannot win frustrate you? OK, Now I won't play again


What is your overall opinion of the game? It was OK


How can it be improved? See above answers


Did you pass the game on to a friend? Nope


Where did you find out about this game and survey? OCC

Edited by Black6464

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Did you realize there was no winning condition? How long did it take to realize that? Does the fact that you cannot win frustrate you?


As soon as I read the question I closed the tab I'd opened for the game. :-/

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Did you realize there was no winning condition? How long did it take to realize that? Does the fact that you cannot win frustrate you?


As soon as I read the question I closed the tab I'd opened for the game. :-/


I found it most frustrating that it seemed almost random what would kill you. I don't play this type of game a lot, but it seemed like no amount of consideration of your options would help you survive lol :erm:

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Did you realize there was no winning condition? How long did it take to realize that? Does the fact that you cannot win frustrate you?


As soon as I read the question I closed the tab I'd opened for the game. :-/

I think my wife summed it up well. "People don't play games to see how many ways they can lose."

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First, thanks everyone who has played so far. I know it's nothing special, but it's merely been the first half of my first semester and all we've really learned is Flash animations.



How come after I extend my hand and the rabbit runs away the only option is pursue? Why would I chase a rabbit into the woods?


Well unfortunately, with a time constraint, I couldn't add a hundred different options. This was a loose interpretation of the first chapter in a story I wrote.



How many times did you play the game? So far Once


How many times did you die? Once


Was it easy to understand and use? If not, why? Could have used a prelude of some kind, I don't like just jumping into a game


Were there any issues with the interface? nope, worked great


What kind of mood/atmosphere do you think I was trying to portray? Did I succeed? Seemed scary, I died so yeah


Did the sound add or detract from the game's enjoyment? Was there too little, too much, or just the right amount? Had my speakers off


Did the story keep you engaged? Did you want to keep playing even after you died? I didn't know what was going on so I quit


Was there enough content or did it leave you wanting more? There was a lot of options before i died, so I may play again


Did you find the hidden button? Before or after you read this question? On your first playthrough or not? Did you like that it was hidden or did that frustrate you? Did you start scouring other scenes for more? I didn't find it at all


Did you realize there was no winning condition? How long did it take to realize that? Does the fact that you cannot win frustrate you? OK, Now I won't play again


What is your overall opinion of the game? It was OK


How can it be improved? See above answers


Did you pass the game on to a friend? Nope


Where did you find out about this game and survey? OCC

Thank you!



Did you realize there was no winning condition? How long did it take to realize that? Does the fact that you cannot win frustrate you?


As soon as I read the question I closed the tab I'd opened for the game. :-/

You were supposed to play the game at least once before answering the questions :P



Needs more tigers. :thumbsup:

How do you know it wasn't a tiger that killed you? :lol:



I found it most frustrating that it seemed almost random what would kill you. I don't play this type of game a lot, but it seemed like no amount of consideration of your options would help you survive lol :erm:

Not entirely random...


If you ever choose "run away", you die. If you ever are cruel to the bunny, you die.




I think my wife summed it up well. "People don't play games to see how many ways they can lose."

It's interesting she said that because that's what I initially thought. When I came up with the concept, I asked one of the grad advisors if he thought having no winning condition would be a bad thing, but he said to go for it. When we presented in class, everyone in the class wanted to play on after dying. After I showed them the farthest one could get before dying, some were certainly disappointed, but others still said they enjoyed the experience.



I died twice, I choose (Go Back to Sleep) when I first started and then when I tripped I choose lay there and cry. I am a bit miffed.

lol. Well consider this a teachable moment - if you're ever in a mysterious forest, don't go to sleep or just lay there waiting to be eaten :lol:

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You were supposed to play the game at least once before answering the questions :P

Fine. :lol:


I played it enough to die four or five times now. Here are my answers:


How many times did you play the game? 5


How many times did you die? 5 (obviously :P)


Was it easy to understand and use? If not, why? Yes. The choices seemed somewhat random (as were the responses) but it wasn't difficult to figure out.


Were there any issues with the interface? Nope.


What kind of mood/atmosphere do you think I was trying to portray? Did I succeed? Scared and hopeless? I think so. :)


Did the sound add or detract from the game's enjoyment? Was there too little, too much, or just the right amount? Eh, I didn't really pay too much attention to the sound. Creepy music would help, or a forest background track.


Did the story keep you engaged? Did you want to keep playing even after you died? I guess so - I had no idea what I was doing but that didn't bother me. I kept playing to see how far I could get.


Was there enough content or did it leave you wanting more? MOAR CONTENT. There's never too much in anything.


Did you find the hidden button? Before or after you read this question? On your first playthrough or not? Did you like that it was hidden or did that frustrate you? Did you start scouring other scenes for more? I didn't see it nor did I go back to look at it.


Did you realize there was no winning condition? How long did it take to realize that? Does the fact that you cannot win frustrate you? It didn't really frustrate me but glancing at the question before playing made me realize that "winning" the game simply involved getting as far as possible.


What is your overall opinion of the game? Simple, somewhat random, but creepy and a bit entertaining.


How can it be improved? Like I mentioned above, a forest background track would be a good addition.


Did you pass the game on to a friend? Not yet.


Where did you find out about this game and survey? OverClockersClub.com

Edited by Waco

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