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Stonerboy's PSA - On HDDs


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Okay I have noticed something that has gone missed so far...It held true here in aus more so than USA but is still to some extent very helpful



We all know that the price of HDDs has gone through the roof however in aus external HDDs haven't moved in USA they have gone up only a little.


WD Blue 1tb $220 or the exact same drive in an elements external case only $140 in Australia same product $70 :lol:



This should hold true with quite a few other drives and brands I do know that WD external laments drives 1tb a blue and 2tb are green and the portable usb ones are laptop drives scorpio blue.


Hope this helps some people, that are about to build or need to replace HDDs immediately.

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You need to watch out with the WD element drives you get. i have two of these http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136804 and they only have a usb plug on the drive. its kinda cool how WD did this but you cant pull it apart and use it as an internal harddrive. They do on the other hand make it very easy to mod into other things..... like a nintendo cartridge. I'd take a picture of it but its at home right now, ill take it apart and shoot some pictures of it when i get home.







but yes stoner you are right looking at external drives the prices havent gone up on them. That is a very good catch and still a good way to get a cheap haddrive :thumbsup:

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I'm not sure how many are familiar with AAFES "Army and AirForce Exchange Service" aka "px/bx" or "post exchange" They haven't adjusted their prices on any hdd's yet. The 2TB usb3 WD MyBook external for $109.99USD caught my eye. They have 5 on the shelf, and who knows how many in the back. I'm considering buying them all, and selling them online.


EDIT* Just checked their online store prices, and they are through the roof. I need to snag a few of these in store gems up asap!

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