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DR pepper BF3 promotion


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The favor Im about to ask may sound a bit weird or childish, but I really want these dog tags.


Theres a DR pepper BF3 promotion going on, witch every bottle of DR pepper you buy you also get promotion key under the cup, these keys are used to unlock special DR papper dog tags in BF3. I need these keys.


Heres the website for the promotion http://www.drpepper.com/promotions/ea/


You can message me these keys, or just post them in this thread!


In israel DR pepper is sold only in special places, and its way expensive. So if you happened to buy a bottle and dont need the key that is under the cup, pleaes share it with me, Thnak you!

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lol I know how you feel I don't drink soda! lol...


Yeah, exactly.


Edit: Off topic, it seems like your fav weapon is the HK416. Hhhhh I have already scored more than 1000 kills with that weapon, love it!!

Edited by alentor

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