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PhysX card


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I have a spare BFG GTX 260 OC2 laying here collecting dust. How do yall think it would do as a dedicated PhysX card for my GTX 590 SLi set up? The only draw back to using it would be it blocks the ability to install a new sound card into the machine. I am currently using the onbaord sound and iot sopretty good when playing World of Warcraft so I am not even sure if I would gain anything adding an X-fi ti to my system at this point. I only use a headset with my computer so speakers are not an issue (the computer desk replaced the dining room table). Evertime i purchase PC Speakers that sound good the wife complains she can not hear the TV so I have to use a headset instead. LOL

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Sorry I thought my Power supply was listed in my signature. It is a Corsair AX1200 Gold so I am sure it can mor ethen handle what I am running right now. Cooling wise I have the front fan on my case pulling in and the 3 120 mm fans on the rads pulling air out of the case. Considering the GTX 260 should not be loading up a whole lot full time it should be fine with that for cooling. I am looking for a dencently priced water block if i decide to keep it in the system.

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