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new bios & cpu


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I recently upgraded my bios to the latest and also got the i7 960 proc.(microcenter 199.00). You would think that this 960 @3.20 would easily

get to 4.0 gig but I'm having problems. Not sure if it's the new bios or the 960 but either way the old 920 was a rock @ 4.05g. It makes me angry :angry:

Edited by dling

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Have you tweaked the IOH and QPI/Vdimm

I have both IOH and QPI at 1.2v and ram V at 1.65v

I have gotten over 4gig but is it worth losing mem speed to do it? I remember years ago memory speed was everything.

Now I'm not to sure how big a deal it is.

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Move the QPI to something more like 1.30-1.350 and see if you get your ram speed back. you may have had a golden IMC in the other chip and this one may need a little coxing to get it to operate. I would at least attempt to get it around 1500-1700 as your mem is rated for 1600mhz but that is just me. :D


Good luck.

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I set the QPI to 1.35 and changed the ram from T1 to T2. I seem to remember it was T2 on the setting I had on the i7 920 with the old bios.

I also lowered the cpu clk speed just a bit.

Edited by dling

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I would not go over 1.35 until you know for a fact you need QPI to increase the OC on the system. My IMC on my 920 is a bit junky and required 1.40 for 4.00 and 1.41 for 4.20 Ghz proc speed for around 1600Mhz of memory clock. Its maddening,


But the question really is, what BSOD code do you get when you stability test with the memory higher and what are the temps. And also on your next post would you mind posting your.


Cu multi

CPU Bclk

Ram clock

Dram Timing

Dram Timing mode (1t 2t or 1N 2N??)

UnCore or UnClk

QPI link

CPU voltage

QPI/Dram Voltace

CPU pll Voltage

Dram voltage

IOH voltage

ICH Voltage

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I have the same mobo and the same problem as you. I fear there isn't much of way around the problem. If you can, I would return the mobo and go with the asus rampage 3.

That would be one way to go about. It but I believe sense h has only changed the processor I would bet that the imc being different is the cause of the issue. I have not run into a. Socket 1366 I7 that could not run 1333 or 1600 memory before yet issues seem to arise with the QPI and Imc at 1750 MHz and above.

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