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OC a 9650


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So I had a 9550 and someone gave me a 9650. Not much of an upgrade but I hear this processor can get to 4.0 Ghz pretty easy. I will settle for 3.8. I have been messing with it but can't get anything to post when I mess with the settings. The system is my main rig in signature in its current state. Can anyone assist?



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What settings have you tried changing so far?

The system runs stable and boots with the cpu at stock and auto settings right? Have you tried leaving everything except cpu vcore at stock/auto and then seeing how far you can raise the fsb (remember to keep the ram as close to stock as possible).

Edited by Celcius

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4Ghz should be easy on that chip, what stepping revision is it? If it's an E0, you should be able to do 4 - 4.2 Ghz with some skill, but if it's an older C1, then probably gonna need a lot more voltage to get it up there.


Try doing 425 x 9 with the core voltage at 1.4v and leave everything else Auto. Try something like that see where it takes yah, I miss OC'ing my old C2Q's. It was so easy. wink.gif


P.S. I see you got an Gigabyte X48 board, then it should be good as your not OC'ing on something like an older P35 or P45 chipset.

Edited by MJCRO

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4Ghz should be easy on that chip, what stepping revision is it? If it's an E0, you should be able to do 4 - 4.2 Ghz with some skill, but if it's an older C1, then probably gonna need a lot more voltage to get it up there.


Try doing 425 x 9 with the core voltage at 1.4v and leave everything else Auto. Try something like that see where it takes yah, I miss OC'ing my old C2Q's. It was so easy. wink.gif


P.S. I see you got an Gigabyte X48 board, then it should be good as your not OC'ing on something like an older P35 or P45 chipset.


Yeah its E0. Tried 445x9, 400x9 I think its the memory that has me stuck. I have to look up the info on the sticks.

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Lower the timing ratio for your memory so it's a lot lower, try bringing your memory to 1066 or whatever the lowest you can go so you know you have a lot of headroom. I remember I had a Q9550 E0 that would do either 4Ghz 475 x 8.5 24/7 @ 1.34v and 510 x 8.5 24/7 at 1.4v on GA-EP45-UD3P. Ugh miss those days. thumbsup3.gif

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Lower the timing ratio for your memory so it's a lot lower, try bringing your memory to 1066 or whatever the lowest you can go so you know you have a lot of headroom. I remember I had a Q9550 E0 that would do either 4Ghz 475 x 8.5 24/7 @ 1.34v and 510 x 8.5 24/7 at 1.4v on GA-EP45-UD3P. Ugh miss those days. thumbsup3.gif




I have 2 sets of these.

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The Q and E in front of the intel chip is actually quite significant

this is a relatively new chip that came out along side the phenom II and still performs great, albeit ridiculously priced for people who refuse to upgrade their motherboards

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P.S. I see you got an Gigabyte X48 board, then it should be good as your not OC'ing on something like an older P35 or P45 chipset.

The P45s generally clocked higher then the X48s from what I remember.

Edited by Raiderfan001
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