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A horizontal line accross my screen


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I actually search barred and found my own topic from last year, but this is a different issue.


I got AMD HD 6950 a few days ago, overclocked it a little, tested the stability with GPUTool and with several games with maximum settings (L4D2, Crysis 2 etc.). Didn't touch any voltage settings, just played with clocks.


I was just playing Deus Ex Human Revolution and my screen went totally weird. The center of my screen shifted to the right and what should be at the very right of the screen appeared to the left of the monitor. Also there were straight horizontal and vertical lines all over my screen. I ctrl+alt+del'd to the desktop and the problem persisted. So I booted. After booting everything was fine, but there's a horizontal line at the center of the screen. I can't take a screenshot of it. I unplugged my monitor from my GPU and there was still a line (it said no signal and there was a line).


GPUTool still works fine and pretty much everything is okay but there's that line.


I'm sorry if it's not very readable as I wrote it in a hurry, but does anyone have similar experiences? Is my monitor (LG Flatron L2000CE) broken or did I fry my GPU?

Edited by Flibo

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try massaging the bezel, usually works for me. It is probabl a loose connection inside the screen somewhere, so it is probably not getting better... Usually the color of the line shifts when massaging ;)

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I know this sounds really simple, but it happend to me. I had transported my screen between my mom's and my dad's and thought I had bumped it during transport.


The problem was not in the mointor, but the cable. It was plugged in almost all the way, but the screws were screwed in a little off. That resulted in a thin blue line across my screen.


At least try to replug the cable in your monitor and in you gpu. It might be that. It won't hurt trying at least :happy:

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