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Computer Resetting Itself, Need a Event Logging tool


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Hey guys,


So my computer started resetting itself. I did the good ol' virus/malware/rootkit scan, registry fix and ran memtest for around 7 hours with no errors. I'm thinking is my PSU but I don't have another unit to try with. I want to know if there's a software that I can run at all times that will log everything until the computer crashes, i'm asking for one because windows event viewer doesn't really see anything wrong so far and i don't know why but i googled for around 20 minutes and didn't find what i was looking for exactly.


Any leads are welcome, thanks!.

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Once had the same issue, it was a faulty reset button. Try disconnecting your reset button leads and see if that makes any difference. If that doesn't do anything, you could also try the power button leads, as IIRC, it can be set in BIOS to restart the computer instead of powering off.


Also, you can look in Event Viewer to see if anything shows up. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/Open-Event-Viewer My last computer had similar issues as well, but that turned out to be a dying hard drive controller.

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well does it give an BSOD? a stop error? when you say reset do you mean a crash to restart or just boop restarded with no error/notice of problem?


the odds are if it is restarting like someones hitting the switch, any log file most likely isn't going to save its data.



any new hardware plugged in?


I've even came across a customer with this issue, to end up going to their house and finding the wall outlet was loose, and bumping the power cord was shorting the electrical socket

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